日期:2013-01-28 13:42  点击:61

在商务方面,从高层管理者到普通市场营销人员,都有一个共同的愿望:在客房里能办公,撰写WORD文档资料,准备PPT(Power Point)演示图片/文稿,收发电子邮(Email)。在娱乐方面,住客希望自由选取自己喜爱的电影/电视节目,希望在互联网上遨游,同时还希望旅行不影响了解股市动态,一旦发生动荡,可即时买进或卖出。如此,住客选择酒店时既看重基础设施的建设状况,同时也愈来愈看重酒店客房中娱乐、电子商务设施的建设状况。



2.酒店申请好专线接口,10/100M网线到客房, 做好内部代理服务器,在客房中提供一个网络接口,由客人自带笔记本电脑或租用酒店的电脑上网。













电脑电视一体机比传统台式机功耗更小、更省电.传统台式机主机配有一个300W的工控电源,供给机箱里的配件,包括主板、CPU、CPU风扇、内存、硬盘、光驱、显卡,还有电源本身的用电等,且显示器也是独立用电,22寸显示器一般在45W左右.22寸液晶电视的功耗一般在200W左右.而锐新触摸电脑电视一体机配置一个150W的航嘉电源,可同时供电给电脑和电视.电源自身没有功耗,一体机的配件只有工作时才需要消耗电量.以锐新RXZG-2209B 22寸触摸电脑电视一体机为例,打开电脑办公、上网、看电视、玩游戏最大功耗才92W,待机才3.5W,约合10个小时用一度电,而传统台式机加电视2个小时就能耗费一度电.相较下,同等配置同等尺寸的触摸电脑电视一体机只是台式电脑和电视机用电量的五分之一,并且省去了连接线的费用 ,也节省了一次维护的费用.









大堂入口可安装竖立RXZG-L42  42多媒体广告一体机。用于发布酒店简介、每日宴会资讯、酒店宣传片等资料。同时结合触摸显示屏实现互动。有人触摸时进入互动界面,查询酒店相关资讯;无人触摸时,自动切换到酒店信息发布。大堂收银台旁壁挂安装1台RXZG-B42  42一体机,显示汇率资讯、酒店收费标准等。同时可以在大堂正中心安装一体机,结合多媒体一体机播放酒店简介、宣传片或相关高清视频。






在电梯轿厢内、电梯厅或走廊安装RXZG-B32   32寸多媒体广告一体机。显示酒店特色餐饮、优惠服务等。

广州锐新科技有限公司生产各大尺寸防暴防水防尘触摸液晶电脑电视一体机,触摸液晶电脑一体机,立式触摸查询一体机,触摸液晶显示器,工业显示器,开放式触摸显示器,触摸点歌台,排队叫号机,防暴有机玻璃广告机,液晶电视电脑一体机, ,液晶电视机等。


IT business intelligent hotel room system terminal solution

In recent years, the booming tourist industry and frequent business trip bring unlimited business opportunities to hotels; the occupancy rate shows an obvious rising trend. However, people’s requirements also increase continually. Hotel guests go to a hotel not only for the living problem but also for entertainment and business goal.

For business, from top managers to general marketing personnel, they all have a common wish to work in the guest room where they can make WORD document data, prepare PPT (power point), write and send E-mail. For entertainment, hotel guests want to select their love movie/TV program freely, surf the internet, meanwhile they hope that their travel will not affect to know the trends of stock market, once volatility occur, they can buy in or sell out immediately. Like this, when guests choose a hotel, besides the stress on the base installation, they now pay more and more attention to entertainment and e-commerce facilities.

Every hotels’ managers will care about how to be in an impregnable position in the intense market competition, how to improve the hotel’s service level and enhance competitiveness, at last increase the lodging ratio and synthetic benefits.

Today, internet is become an essential part in people’s work, study, life and entertainment. As an important place for business and entertainment, many hotels use Set Top Box (STB) solution for video play at present, most of them are imitate STB or simple function digital STB, some are only support video play, some are added the function to access internet. Even though gusest could use STB to play video or surf internet, but STB is without PC.

2. hotels apply a special network port, connect 10/100M net line to guest room, complete the inside proxy server, and provide a network port in the guest room, then guests can bring notebook PC or rent a PC from the hotel to surf the internet.

The above two ways will have the following disadvantages:

Hotel provides PC will have the following disadvantages: advance cost is high including hardware and software: later period maintenance charge is high, and guests’ not proper handling would easy lead to damage of PC or system

Hotel only provides network port will have the following disadvantages: Guests have to bring notebook PC themselves, and besides they have to set up the network environment, It’s not convenient.

Guangzhou Ruixin Touch Control Science and Technology Co., Ltd develop a kind of all in one touch screen computer special for hotel rooms, which support VOD video play and surf the internet; it also can be used for electron work. All in one touch screen computer avoid the disadvantages of TSB and PC solution; good to improve the E-commence manage level, the service quality of hotel management, and increase the lodging rate and profit point.

Hotels have to provide guests with convenient and quick surfing internet service. Hotels provide internet service on their own, will not only improve service level to attract guests, but also increase some part of business income. In some hotels, they don’t provide internet service, hotel guests use the telephone in the room to dial to the local ISP for Internet service. But guests always are outlanders or foreigners, they have to ask help from their local friends or telecom as they don’t have ISP or account, it is inconvenient. The hotels which only provide the net line without relevant service will not fully meet the need of guests, and hotels also can not get the relevant value-added service charge.

Hotel solution

1. from the cost of investment

If one hotel room places a LCD TV, a normal desktop PC (host and monitor) and voice box, the total cost will higher than an All in one touch screen computer. Besides, all in one PC can be put on the desk or mounted on the wall, support the functions of surf the internet, work, watch TV. And the tradition desktop PC and another TV will occupy more place, the huge volume and complicated connecting line is not beautiful, which will increase hotels’ investment and maintenance charge. All in one PC will save 1/3 cost to the tradition desktop PC, and as technique developing, the cost will down more in the future.

2. from the use-cost

The power dissipation of all in one PC is less that the tradition PC, and save more electricity. Tradition PC is made with a 300W industrial power to provide electricity to accessories in the host, including main board, CPU, CPU fan, RAM, HDD, CD-ROM, graphics card, and the power supply itself, further more, the monitor is installed with a independent power; a 22 inch monitor usually is about 45W, the power dissipation of 22 inch LCD TV will be about 200W. Ruixin all in one touch screen computer is only installed with one 1501W Huntley power supply, which supply electricity to PC and TV, while the power supply itself have no dissipation. Take RXZG-2209B 22 inch all in one touch screen computer as an example, turn on the PC, surf internet, watch TV, play games, the power dissipation is 92W, if the PC stand by only 3.5W is needed; 10 hour will be one unit electricity; but for the tradition PC and TV, only 2 hour it will consume one unit electricity. For a same configuration, all in one PC consume 1/5 electricity of the tradition PC and TV’s; furthermore, all in one PC save the cost of the connecting line and one time maintenance charge.

3. from the hotels’ management angle

Informationize message is already an essential software for hotel rooms, nowadays, 70% business men will need to surf the internet during their travel. For a hotel, prepare good network environment, improve service quality will attract more guests and bring more virtual profit. The all in one touch screen computer solution which special design for hotels, is not only make rightness hardware for a hotel, but also with the management software system, in this way hotel service system is complete; the satisfaction of hotels and profit will also increase. When hotel guest check in, he will not see a cold sign but some live and vivid beautiful pictures with welcome words, follow with it are some humanize service description, including hotel introduction, guest room info, travel info, ticket booking service, meal order service and so on, which make the customer feel like at home.

4. from hotels’ product maintenance service and after-sales service

For the customers who have already install all in one PC and finish debugging, we will set up maintenance outlets in first class and second class city of each provinces, to make sure maintenance timely and convenient. For some place where have no maintenance spot, customers could made an appointment with the spot in around area, which will make sure the spot can provides maintenance service timely to them. Customers also can contact with company head office (service hot-line: 020-82302408) to arrange the most convenient and fastest maintenance service.

All in one multi-media advertisement kiosks—hotel service industry solution

With the developing modernization process of cities, the mayor domestic cities are carrying on a dynamic construction, which promotes a rapid development to torsion, and also make more requirements to hotels’ receive ability. Virtually, the requirement of hotels’ receive quality will be higher. Economic construction can’t do without informationization construction, the ways of hotels sending message is continuous improving and requirements are increase, the requirement of a multi-media display was born. The progress of multi-media display, making more and more all in one multi-media advertisement kiosks are adopted, these devises are installed on important site of a hotel to provide guests with visual, vivid information, including weather forecast, news, bond, lottery ticket, hotel image publicity, service, product’s info, advertising, hotel inner info, announcement and so on, create the maximum advertising profit.

Adopted Ruixin multi-media advertisement kiosks, which can be installed on lobby, lift well, each floors, private room, conference hall and other places, to display hotel introduction, restaurant introduction, local torsion, conference information, torsion guiding, scenery spot introduction, distinguished guest welcome, world clock and other info, the kiosks support different parts to display different information.

Hotel lobby

RXZG-L42B 42 inch multi-media advertisement kiosks can be installed on the entrance of the lobby to display hotel introduction, daily dinner party information, hotel trailer and so on. Meanwhile the kiosks can be made with touch screen to realize interaction. When some one touch it, he can check the hotel information; if nobody touch, the kiosks with auto-switch to hotel’s information display. Hotel could mounted one RZZF-4206B all in one PC on the wall to show exchange rate info, hotel’s charging standard. Besides, hotel can install an all in one computer in the center of the lobby; combine with all in one multi-media advertisement kiosks to display hotel introduction, trailer or related HD video. 

Banquet hall

Install Ruixin multi-media advertisement kiosks to display welcome words, banquet theme, announce everyday banquet conference info.

Multi-function room/meeting room

Install Ruixin multi-media advertisement kiosks on the wall of multi-function room/meeting room to display welcome words, conference name, conference theme and other conference guiding info. The kiosk can be matched up with conference reservation systern.


Install RXZG-B32B 32inch multi-media advertisement kiosks in lift sedan, lift lobby or corroder to show hotel’s characteristic catering, preferential service and so on.

Guangzhou Ruixin Touch Control Technology Co., Ltd, a professional manufacture of different size of All in one touch computers, floor stand touch kiosks, touch screen monitors, industrial monitors, open frame touch screen monitors, touch KTV monitors, queuing touch kiosks, anti-riot organic glass advertising monitors, LCD all in one computer TV, all in one touch computer TV, LCD television and so on.

The products are widely used in family, entertainment, hotel, education, advertising industry. Provide solution for different industry. 

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