日期:2013-02-18 18:38  点击:7
产品品牌:礼品u盘 产品型号:YDF-0015 适用人群:其他 产地:深圳 接口:USB2.0 存储容量:其它 容量 512MB 接口 USB2.0 数据传输率 6000(KB/s) 外壳材质 塑料 特色 红血球u盘 重量 20(g) OEM 可OEM 送礼用途 节庆礼品 适用送礼对象 客户、长辈、晚辈、领导、下属、朋友、同事、同学、情侣、外国人、其他 适用送礼场合 公关策划、开业典礼、商务馈赠、员工福利、周年庆典、展销会、婚庆、乔迁、生日、广告促销、节日、颁奖纪念、其他 加印LOGO 可以 是否提供加工定制 是 usb memory diskPerformance characteristics:1, capacity: 64MB/128MB/256MB/512MB/1GB/2GB/4GB/8GB/16GB2. USB Interface: High-speed USB2.0.3. support systems: WINDOWS 98SE/ME/2000/XP/LinUx2.4.X MacOS.4. the data retention time: up to 10 years.5, packing: gift box / tin box / white box / blister packing / OPP bags / etc.Performance indicators:Flash drive to bring security, fast, large capacity and many other advantages to become the future of its development direction of mobile storage.They have the following six characteristics:1, light elegantThe use of advanced technology for processing shell elegant, compact shape Brisk mobile products to meet the current ultra-light, portable design.2. fastConsistent with USB1.1 / 2.0 specifications, data transfer speed.3. easy to use, no power supply connected4, safe and reliableElectronic storage media using Flash can be erased one million times more data protection is valid for up to ten yearsAntimagnetic, seismic, moisture resistance, high temperature resistance, hit.5.big storage capacity, low price6. data encryptionApplication Environment:1. Temperature: -10 ~ 55 Degrees Celsius.2. Storage temperature: 20 ~ 55Degrees Celsius3. Relative humidity: 20% ~ 90% (40 Degrees Celsius).System requirements:1. Hardware: PC, notebook.2. System: Windows 98/SE/ME/2000/XP, Linux 2.4.x, Mac OS 9.2 or later.3. Driver Installation: Only required to install the driver disk windows98, while others do not.Features:1 USB storage disk, without driver, plug and play, no power, easy to use.2 The latest and most stable master chips, imported the FLASH3 Small size, light weight, high capacity and lightweight portability.4 The data stored in particular security, with seismic, anti-magnetic, the characteristics of moisture, but also to prevent boot sector viruses5 Can be repeated in more than one million rewritable data protection for as long as 10 years 1:采用USB2.0介面,支援热插拔,即插即用;2:无需外接电源,有LED灯显示; 3:容量为:128M/256M/512M /1G/2G/4G/8G/16G; 4:使用多种操作平台WIN98 /ME/2000/XP(WIN98须安装驱动程式);5:电子存储介质,无机械部件,抗震动,抗电磁干扰; 6:支援软体加密,双启动功能; 7:保存资料安全,长久(10年以上); 8:读写速度快:SB2.0写入速度:2-6MB/s、读取速度:8-12MB/s; 9:轻巧方便,可随身携带; 10:工作环境温度:-40 C~ 70 C,保存温度:-50 C~ 80 C.11:可以量身定做LOGO,AUTORUN自动播放;=====使用U盘注意事项=====1:本产品在使用当中,请确保电脑中无感染病毒,不然有可能破坏U盘的内置程序2:在没有必要的情况下,请不要直接拔出电脑,要安全删除USB后再拔出U盘,不然会影响U盘的使用寿命3:重要文件请自己留好备份,请不要剪切来转移文件,最好用复制《养成数据备份的良好习惯》4:数据丢失可能是以下方面引起的,包括突然断电,供电不稳,人为不正常拔插,误删除,误格式化,病毒破坏,静电击坏,加密和权限,固件升级,电磁干扰等等。 =====付款方式===== 工厂专业产U盘,为给广大客户及时方便的服务,现在xxx推出我们的U盘产品,我们形成了一套完善的工厂管理制度及售后服务,为想加入这个行业,提供高质量的产品批发,为我们之后的合作创造双赢 本工厂定货的付款方式:先付定金30%,货做后好通知贵公司付70%的余款,一切以款到帐为准。 =====售后服务===== 产品均一年保修(除人为损坏)。
电话:86-0755-28119882 / 075528
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