日期:2010-09-01 16:54  点击:3
百亿得BYD-AC/301/D 空调节电器    特点: 1、无需控制空调机内部的 任何线路,安装更便捷。 2、与空调机的线路无直接 关系,更安全。    3、以温度和时间为输入输 出混合控制源,结合温度自 动补偿技术,更智能,更节 能。    4、无售后服务之忧,自行 容易拆除。    5、故障后不影响空调机的 正常运行。    6、制冷制热冷自动识别切 换,更方便。    7、节电率和性能稳定,更 科学。    8、不舍弃空调机任何原有 控制及保护功能。    领先的核心功能:    家用空调机和商用空调机 (中央空调)都可直接使用本 节电器。这是智能的自动温 度补偿技术;在无需连接空 调机的任何线路也能实现压 缩机运行状态的自动调节。 使得无论外部条件如何改 变,在不影响温度、不影响 舒适度的前提下,都能实现 空调机的节电运行。如果本 控制器出现故障,也不影响 空调机的正常运行。    这就是BYD---AC/301/D带来 的便利所在、品位生活、轻 松节能,更智能的节电控制 方式。    节电率:20%----35%    帮你算算,用得多,赚得 多!   一台3P空调耗电2.6度/ 小时,平均省电30%,电费1 元/度 小时省钱:2.6度 *0.3*1元=0.78元 一天用10 小时省钱10*0.78=7.8元    BYD---AC/301/D空调节电器 的基本原理 基于上述空调 机在实际使用中大量电能被 浪费的客观存在,本公司经 过多年的潜心研究,数千次 的模拟各种环境的试验,以 最真实的数据为依据,终于 开发出此款空调节电器.它 采用当今先进的温度自动补 偿技术与设定温度相协调, 控温精度为正负度,节电率 达25%--35%,基本上实用于 任何环境,节电率不以指定 温度为前提,这也是本控制 器优于其它节电器的一主要 特点.就算本控制器出现故 障,也不影响空调机的正常 运行. BYD---AC/301/D空调 节电器性能:本控制器性能 稳定,经久耐用. 本公司在 所有产品的研发过程中,非 常注重线路设计的科学性, 彻底消除不稳定因素对其的 干拢,在元器件的选择上,匀 采用品牌优质器件,在控制 原理成立的情况下,更注重 系统在使用过程中的安全 性,做到危险漏电故障为零, 短路故障为零. 使用该节电 器二个月就可以收回投资成 本!一次投资终身受益!早 用早受益!能省为什么不 省?   批发价格:300元/台、 50台起定(不含税和运费)。    10 billion was BYD-AC/301/D air-conditioning Saver   Features:   1, no control of any air-conditioning inside the lines, install more convenient. 2, with air-conditioning lines have no direct connection more secure. 3 to the temperature and time for the input and output mix of control, combined with automatic temperature compensation technology, more intelligent, more energy efficient. 4, no worry about after-sales service of their own easy to remove. 5, after a fault does not affect the normal operation of air conditioning. 6, cooling system, hot and cold automatic identification switches, and more convenient. 7, energy-saving rate and stable performance, more scientific. 8, do not give up any of the original air-conditioning control and protection.   The leading core functions:   Household air conditioners and commercial air conditioners (central air-c onditioning) can directly use the Saver. This is the intelligent automatic temperature compensation technology; without any lines connecting air-conditioning compressor is also running state can achieve the automatic adjustment. Makes no matter how the external conditions change, without affecting the temperature does not affect the comfort of the premise, can achieve power saving air conditioners running. If the controller fails, does not affect the normal operation of air conditioners.   This is the convenience brought by BYD---AC/301/D where the quality of life, easy energy saving, more intelligent power-saving control mode.   Saving rate: 20 %---- 35%   To help you calculate, with much more money!   A 3P air-conditioning power consumption 2.6 degrees / hour, with an average energy saving 30%, electricity, 1 yuan / degree   1 hour to save money: 2.6 degrees * 0.3 * 1 yuan = 0.78 yuan   10 hours a day to save money with the 10 * 0.78 = 7.8 yuan   The basic principles of air-conditioning Saver BYD---AC/301/D   Based on the above air conditioning in the actual use of a large number of energy is wasted in the objective existence of the company after years of painstaking research, thousands of simulated environmental testing, the most based on real data, and finally developed the air-conditioned section Cikuan electrical appliances. It uses today's advanced automatic temperature compensation technology in harmony with the set temperature, temperature control accuracy of plus or minus one time, saving rate was 25% - 35%, basically practical in any environment, energy-saving rate is not to specify the temperature of the premise, which is also the saving of a controller better than other major features. Even if the controller fails, does not affect the normal operation of air conditioners.   BYD---AC/301/D air-conditioning Saver Performance: The controller performance is stable, durable.   The company's product development process at all, the great emphasis on the scientific circuit design, the complete elimination of destabilizing factors on the dry Long, in the choice of components, uniform. use of the brand high-quality devices, principles established in the control situation, pay more attention to the system in use in the process of security, to achieve a zero risk of leakage faults, short-circuit fault is zero.   Two months using the Power Saver can recover the investment cost! An investment will last a lifetime! Benefit with the early morning! Can save, why not save?   本公司经营家用空调节电器,质量保证,欢迎来电咨询与洽谈业务!
地址:中国 广东 广州市花都区 狮岭镇宝峰路俊华楼738室
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