加工925银饰品 逗号项链 925jewelry
日期:2010-09-28 06:00  点击:4
华利珠宝首饰有限公司 华利珠宝首饰公司是一家大型专业首饰企业,从事白银、铜首饰的设计、加工、批发销售、贸易服务为一体。华利始创于1999年,公司位于 海上女神 妈祖的故乡--华利珠宝首饰有限公司。 这里人杰地灵,首饰文化底蕴深厚。公司现有现代化新厂房。管理完善,设备精良,拥有从日本、意大利引进的先进设备,并致力寻求设计上的创新和技术上的突破。华利珠宝首饰有近十年的历史,产品既传承了首饰的尊荣华贵,又紧随了饰品前卫时尚的步伐,凭着精湛的生产工艺及科学的管理手段,不断创新,打造了新颖精美的款款佳作,深受广大客户的青睐,畅销全国各地及港 、澳、 台、东南亚及欧美等地区。 我们公司主营银珠宝首饰、包装及配件系列产品及产品生产加工。我们推行现代企业管理,抢占市场不放松,不断开发新产品的同时,正在进行的技术改造,帮助华立莆田首饰有限公司取得更辉煌的成就。热忱欢迎您加入我们的团队 联 系 人: 陈小姐Q Q: 1397723959 电  话: 0086-594-2589090 邮 箱: jewelry1837@jewelry1837.cn 地  址: 中国 福建省莆田市秀屿区东峤镇上塘珠宝城邮  编: 351164公司网站: www.jewelry1837.cn 最小起批量: 5件起批(可以混批) *优惠政策*积分说明 l 单次购满1000元包快递;单次购满3000元打95折;单次购满5000元打9折,(银器及称克类除外) l 累计积分500分打95折/1000分打9折 发货期限: 下单付款后24小时内发货。 邮费说明重要说明(1)并非所有地区快递公司都能送达,在选择时请先至快递公司网站查询,如您所选择的地区快递公司不能送达将会产生额外配送费用。(2)所有快递公司的件,如果包裹体积过大者,按实际体积计算(长*高*宽)/5000=公斤数(3)在本站批发商品运费须由批发用户自己承担,不付运费或运费不够,我们将会采用货到自付运费,平邮用户请在预交运费6元平邮费,多退少补。(4)发往国外的快递运费请与我们在线客服联系进行查询报价!包装说明公司采用统一的印刷包装纸板+透明袋,若需首饰盒另外购买售后服务若出现产品质量问题,均可在收到货24小时间内免费享受退换货服务。付款方式:1.网站支持支付宝交易,收到货再确认付款,让您购物更放心。2.银行汇款。3.顺丰签约月结客户,可以代收货款。公司简介莆田市秀屿区华利珠宝首饰公司是一家大型专业首饰企业,从事包装、白银、铜首饰的设计、加工、批发销售、贸易服务为一体。亚希亚始创于1999年,公司位于 海上女神 妈祖的故乡--华利珠宝首饰有限公司。欢迎您登陆网站:http://jewelry1837.com (可查看更多银产品)公司信誉阿里巴巴诚信通企业会员支付宝特约商家专业生产批发银饰,仿真首饰,更多产品请进入网站.联系方式华利批发部QQ:1397723959 1327624981联系电话:0594-2589090 18950759399E-mail:jewelry1837@jewelry1837.cn 地址:福建省莆田市秀屿区东峤镇上塘珠宝城 邮编:351164 、欢迎您来图来样订制---承接各类(925纯银饰品纯银餐具银器礼品摆件)订做加工,可致电 订制部 咨询18950759399(陈小姐)实体进货 厂商合作 网店代理 网站代销 网站联盟 加盟合作 有任何问题请及时联系我哦,我珍惜您的每一个好评~ ^_^谢谢各位光临,祝大家购物愉快!^_^ Huali Jewelry Ltd,.Co Putian HuaLi Jewelry Co., LTD is a large professional jewelry enterprise, Engaged in silver, copper jewelry design, processing, wholesale and service trade. HuaLi was founded in 1999, Company is located in the goddess sea mazu hometown -- HuaLi jewelry Co., LTD. Not only covers an area of scale, still have modern international workshop, Complete production system. Company taking the market as the center, According to the national quality system requirements. In total quality management and quality assurance. Jewelry produce greatly increasing trend every year, In domestic jewelry industry is a large enterprise. we have won best reputation from customers and the masses. The professional service, high quality products! Because this since its establishment, the company has formed a more customers and business partners. Now the export products of putian jewelry is most product in our company. Not only that now HuaLi putian jewelry Co., LTD in putian has great popularity and influence, but also in international prestigious. Our company mainly aimed at business: Gold and silver jewelry, crafts and gifts, euramerican products, simulation jewelry, jewelry design, jewelry electronic tools, electronic balance, electronics, electronic weighing scales and electronic counter plan, electronic platform scales, pocket scale, jewelry accessories, packing and accessories series products. We implement modern enterprise management, Seize the market does not relax, continuous development of new products, Ongoing technological transformation to help HuaLi putian jewelry Co., LTD obtain more brilliant achievements. Warmly welcome you to join us. Except provide the products and service you need , we also provide sample show etc. with the trust and support of customers , we have more confidence in the future, our company will become your best supplier and partners, we will continue to provide customers a comprehensive, high quality service, and customer, altogether will create a better furture.Contact:Ms ChenMsn:jewelry0086@hotmail.comEmail:jewelry0086@hotmail.comTel:86-594-2589090Add:Shangtang Jewelry City Xiuyu Area Putian cityPost Code:351164Website:www.jewelry1837.cn moq: 5pics(mix order allowed )*Preferential policiesl orer 500usd one time can get 95 discout ,800 usd can get 9discoutn(except silver)2 Accumulative 500 dozen 95 points ,1000 dozen 9 points Delivery time :Delivery within 24 hours after ur paymentFreight charges(Imporant)(1)the wholesaling commod阿ities freight shall be determined by the users themselves(2)Please contact our customer service for the freight charge!Package Company USES unified printing and packaging cardboard + transparent bags, if need box,u should buy it After-sales serviceIf there is any product quality problem, can be received the goods within 24 small free time to returnpayment:1.Site support transaction, received the goods, pay treasure to reconfirm payment, let your shopping more at ease。2.Bank transfer Company profile HuaLi jewelry Co., LTD is a large enterprise specialized in packing, jewelry, silver and copper jewelry design, processing, wholesale and service trade. Founded in 1999 and ahiah, the company is located in the goddess sea mazu hometown -- HuaLi jewelry Co., LTD. Welcome you to visit our website: http://jewelry1837.com (see more silver products)Company reputationAlibaba integrity through enterprise member pay treasure to engage businessesProfessional product, wholesale silver jewelry, simulation jewelry,more products please enter the website.、Welcome the incoming sample ordering---Customized processing silver cutlery,contact :18950759399(Ms Chen)Entities incoming manufacturer cooperate Online agent Site on a commission basis Website alliance Alliance cooperation Any question,feel free to contact us, and I treasure you every praise happy shopping
电话:86 0598 2628968
地址:中国 福建 莆田市荔城区 东园东路
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