杭州富阳爱德工艺有限公司创办于2000年。公司座落于富阳永昌工业园区内,建筑面积3200平方米。公司环境优美、水电等设施配套齐全。公司现有员工155人,其中技术人员13人,我们有齐全的工艺蜡烛生产体系。我们的产品有:花园驱蚊,LED蜡烛,杯装蜡,水转印,圣诞、水果、彩焰、音乐、情人、浮雕等15个系列2千多个品种。公司有较强的新产品开发能力,产品畅销欧洲、美洲及中东等地区。公司经营宗旨:客户至上,信誉第一,在平等互利的基础上,热忱期待与世界各地经贸人士建立广泛长久的贸易合作关系。COMPANY PROFICEHangzhou Fuyang Aidi arts crafts co.,ltd .,which was founded in 2000.It is located in Yongchang industrial park of Fuyang city,of which 3200m2 is building area.It has a great advant age with convenient and sutticient suppy of water and electricity.The are about 155 worker ,in the company ,13 technicians .We are well in the business of artistic candles.We can produce candles:Christmas ,Fruit ,colour fire,music,Lover,Sculpture etc.15 series of two thousands of kinds.The products have been exported to Europe,America,Middle East Asia.etc.With the prinlipie of customers fist ,reputation fist,equality and mutual benefits,it hopes to deal with all kinds of circles from the world
日期:2010-10-13 23:07 点击:6