日期:2012-10-23 09:59  点击:14
产品品牌:kinron 产品型号:JPY-GH5412 颜色:其它 主要材料:其它 产品类别 其他 材质 金属 适用场合 客厅、餐厅、酒店、学校、户外 适用对象 成人 风格 中式 规格 1200*400*750mm 封边 T型胶封边 油漆 黑色 可否折叠 可以 可否定做 可以 贸易属性 外贸原单 五金配件说明 铁架子 颜色 可选 规格:1200*400*750HMM(可订做各种规格)材质说明:基材:采用高密度中纤板(均符合环保要求,达到国家检测标准E1级),贴面用材:采用进口优质三氨板或防火板或进口优质胡桃木纹饰面等;五金脚架,可折叠。 不同的款式任君选择,希望终有一款能满足您内心深处最渴望的产品标准,您也可以提供设计图纸或大胆把您的想法构思告诉我们,我们的设计人员也将为您精心打造符合您心目中的目标款式,追求最好,更要求产品更好,我们会不懈努力让产品优化升级,期待您的来电询盘。 TEL:18924531213出货情况 产品的质量决定了工厂的出柜量,每月老客户的返单及新客户的资源,证明了质量求生存,诚信求发展的不老名言。工厂始终坚持不懈的努力,让每一件产品都能够达到您心目中的完美的目标,不断地更新机器及对原材料供应商的高标准严要求,让每一个环节都让产品走向更好。也期待与您有更进一步的合作。 关于 运 输 我们的家具一般都是通过物流发货,买家可以指定物流公司,如果不指定物流,我们会根据买家的收货地址选择一家比较方便的物流公司,浙江、湖南,湖北一带一般发货后3-5天内可到,根据路程的远近运输时间也不一样。我们列出的物流费用仅供参考,实际费用以物流公司的现行的收费标准、货物体积、重量及路途远近计算。 1、运费支付方式。一律采用到付的方式,运费由买家自己承担,物流与快递不一样,物流到付和提前付是一样的,因此没必要提前付,到付更安全快捷,这样如果出现问题就不会处于被动地位。2、物流选择。我们与多家物流公司有长期合作关系,有专人与物流公司联系,会根据实际情况为您择优选物流公司。若您需要指定物流公司,请在订购时与我们确认,只要发货点有相关物流,即可以满足您的要求。3、运输费用。店里我们列出的物流费用仅供参考。另外我们会在您付款前给您估算运费。物流公司报价因目的地远近情况或节假日输送等原因存在浮动,另外家具的体积按物流打好木架后的体积算,是多少就多少,因此估算值与实际费用可能存在差距,我们不参与运费的事,实际产生多少买家就承担多少,不过物流不会乱收费,我们的家具一直是通过物流公司运输的,已经建立起了长期的合作关系,不会乱来!如果不能接受差价的买家请慎重购买!4、收货地点。一般货物是送到当地的物流点,买家自己提货;若要求送货上门,可以事先告知我们,我们交代物流,也可以货到后和物流公司协商,要求送货上门,物流会收取相应的送货上门费用,一般送货上门是指送到楼下,若要送到家里请和物流协商好! 5、物流签收。收到货后,视外包装良好即可以签收产品;若包装有损,可重点检查包装损坏的部位,若货品没有损坏也可签收;如检货有损坏,请马上联系我们,我们共同处理;若包装没损坏,提回家后产品还是有问题,若是有少量掉漆等均属正常现象,您与我们直接联系确认后,我们将给您补发油漆,一般都可解决掉,若是家具某些部分损坏严重的话,我们会给您补件。 售 后 服 务 家具这种大件商品在物流上,有小损掉漆是难免的,占6%的机率有这种情况,但是请不要大惊,收货签收时保持与我们联系和确认即可。收货后具体部位告知我们,部位受损可以通过补油漆自行修正处理的。实体店收到厂家的货也是同样,这是难以100%保证完美的,只是他在幕后维修你不知道而己,所以,要正确对待,勿以小问题大批货来回退换,若要求完全完美者请到当地实体店订购。 注意:家具的外包装到货后请保留三至五天,因为万一要退货的话要用这个木架再重新打回去的,如果丢弃了而又要退货的话,则退回产生的木架费用买家自己负责,应该等确定不需要了,再丢弃。 祝大家购物愉快!合作愉快! About Transportation Our furniture are usually shipped through the logistics, buyers can specify a logistics company, if you do not specify the logistics, we will select logistics company which near buyer s place, different journey length have different transport time. Our logistics costs listed for reference only, the actual cost to the logistics companys is decided by cargo volume, weight and the road distance. 1,Terms of freight payment. terms of freight by the buyer s choice, 2, logistics choice. We have the long-term relationship with many logistic companies, as long as the delivery time are related to logistics, that we will meet your requirements as our best as we can. 3, transport costs. Shop our logistics costs listed for reference only. In addition, we will give you your estimated shipping costs before payment. 4, place of delivery. General cargo is delivered to the local logistics point; if you requested home delivery, can tell us in advance, we should make sure of everything during our communication. 5, logistics sign. You can receive the goods as the product packaging is well; if packaging damage, may check the damaged parts, if not damaged goods, you can receive; if seized goods are damaged, please contact us immediately and we co-processing; If the packaging not damaged, bring home the products have problem, ex. a small amount of Paint Falling off, etc. are normal, you contact us directly confirmed, we will give you a replacement paint, usually can be resolved, if the furniture of some part are badly damaged, we will give you additional documents. After sales serviceFurniture goods during the transportation, there is little loss of Paint Falling off is inevitable , receiving receipt to keep with us and confirm everything. Tell us the exact location after receipt, damaged parts can make up their own paint correction treatment. But we will try our best to make everything better. Note: after the arrival of furniture, please keep the packaging three to five days, as if you want to return, then must use the wooden packing again, but have to return if thrown away, then you should pay the cost of the wooden frame. best wishes for you~
电话:86-0757-28863536 / 188192
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