深圳新创电脑制造有限公司生产的全球首款MicroStation新创电脑(1拖32)拥有国际独家专利技术!!诚征全球各地区独家代理.名额有限.商机无限. .年赚百万不是梦!! MicroStation新创电脑是以网络为基础的独立终端,它是世界上第一台不需 CPU 、硬盘和 CD-ROM 的电脑终端,它组合了网络计算机独有的通讯技术和先进的SOC芯片算法,实现了允许多个用户共同使用一台主机的 CPU 、内存、硬盘、驱动器等资源。操作与主机一样的。它是通过快速的以太网 TCP/IP协议来连接主机或服务器,一台主机最多可以支持 10 个网络终端用户( windows 2000/2003 服务器版最多可以支持 32 个终端),各用户同时独立安全地访问主机资源, PRD电脑共享器广泛适用于办公、医院、呼叫中心、培训中心、图书馆、咖啡厅等地方。 一台主机拖2-32台显示器,每增加一个用户只需加一套 新创终端电脑 和显示器、键盘、鼠标,32个用户就可以同时办公、上网!操作互不影响,网速快捷,节约成本80%以上!新创电脑让32个用户共享1台主机.低成本便管理,简化企业IT管理。省心、省事、省钱购一台主机=配多台电脑终央的8大优点:八大优点: 1.省钱80% 节约大量软硬件购买费用.升级.使用费用. 2.简化IT管理 省去频繁的电脑维护.升级管理工作 3.省电98% 仅耗电5瓦.小巧.环保.无噪声 4.安全 独有的加密技术提高安全性. 企业数据. 5.省心 安装简便,一按即用.无需维护 6.监控 支持远程访问.无地域限制.实时监控 7.因特尔 利用 windows 多用户特性 和超线程CPU8.工作原理 终端通过网线.把主机传输图象到显示器 广泛应用于:学校教学,阅览室,培训中心,计算机机房工程,大型连锁公司 大中小企业办公,银行系统,交通系统,集团企业,酒店客房,大型连锁公司,房地产行业,家庭,等.承揽大型机房工程,多媒体教学工程, 目前国内众多企业、院校、单位、家庭、房地产中介机构等都在使用,受到客户的一致好评!节省硬件成本;节省用电;免维护;免升级;无辐射,绿色环保;占用空间小,性能稳定。98%以上没有特殊要求的电脑用户都能采用我们的新创电脑终端!网 站: www.pci168.com 下载资料: http://www.pci168.com/ruanjian.htm 淘 宝 店: http://shop33751909.taobao.com 客户满意度 100%案例视频:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/RHohK4IKXX0 招商热线:0755 81817460 13148714746 13510929136 13006657272 传真0755 89518659 QQ: 125196045 QQ: 454772860 Computer Shenzhen Co., Ltd. hit a new production of the worlds first computer MicroStation start-ups (1 trailer 32)!! Wanted regions worldwide exclusive agent. Limited places. Unlimited business opportunities.. To make millions of years is not a dream!!MicroStation computer is a new web-based independent terminal, which is the worlds first no CPU, hard disk and CD-ROM computer terminal, which the network computer a unique combination of technology and advanced communications SOC chip algorithm, Has allowed multiple users to share a host of CPU, memory, hard drive, drive, and other resources. Operation with the same host. It is the rapid adoption of the Ethernet TCP / IP protocol to connect to the server or host, a host can support up to 10 network users (windows 2000/2003 server version can support up to 32 terminals), the independent users at the same time safely Host resources, PRD-sharing computer applied to a wide range of office, hospitals, call centers, training centers, libraries, coffee shops, and other places. 2-32 dragging a host monitor, each additional user can add a set of a new computer terminal and the display, keyboard, mouse, 32 users will be able to office at the same time, Internet! Hubuyingxiang operation, fast speed, cost more than 80%! Host = purchase a computer equipped with multi-central end of the 8 major advantages: the eight major advantages: 1. 80% of the cost-saving to buy a large number of hardware and software costs. Upgrades. The use of the cost. 2. Simplified IT management save frequent computer maintenance. Upgrade the management of 3. Consumes only 98% of the power 5 watts. Compact. Environmental protection. Noise-free 4.s Unique security encryption technology to enhance security. Enterprise data. 5. Worry ease of installation, according to a use that is. MaintenanceMonitoring support for remote access. Without geographical restrictions. 7 real-time monitoring. Windows using Intel multi-user features and Hyper-Threading CPU8. The working principle adopted by the cable end. To host transfer images to display widely used in: school teaching, reading room, training center, computer room, large-scale chains small business office, the banking system, transportation systems, enterprise groups, Hotel rooms, a chain of large companies, real estate, family, and so on. Forwarders large room, multi-media teaching, many domestic enterprises, institutions, units, family, real estate agencies in the and so on, well received by customers !To save the cost of hardware; reduce electricity consumption; maintenance-free; free upgrade; radiation-free, green; small space, performance and stability. 98% do not require special computer users, we can adopt a new computer terminal! Web site: www.pci168.com Taobao shop: http://shop33751909.taobao.com customer satisfaction 100%Investment Hotline: 0755 81817460 Fax 0755 89518659 13148714746QQ: 125196045 QQ: 454772860 {marked: unit price is U.S.}
日期:2013-05-07 18:37 点击:9
电话:86-0755-89518659 / 400083
电话:86-0755-89518659 / 400083