日期:2010-10-22 23:07  点击:11
秀比斯壮文具制造有限公司成立于1997年,是一家致力于白板、荧光笔、白板笔、记号笔、CD笔、美术马克笔、玻璃笔、美工POP笔、水彩笔为主导,集科研、设计、制造、生产销售为一体的私营企业,公司座落于慈溪观海卫工业西区对面,占地面积12000平方米,高中层管理人才及一线员工500余人。 我们拥有目前最先进的高精度制模设备和优秀的专业产品设计、制作人员。短短几年时间,我们开发了款式新颖、品种繁多的高中档白板、荧光笔、白板笔、记号笔、CD笔、美术马克笔、玻璃笔、美工POP笔、水彩笔及各类文具,产品远销欧美、东南亚、中东及国内大型商场。 我们是一个积极进取、充满朝气和活力的集体。我们以 品质是生命、信誉是源泉 为经营理念,以 品质追求卓越,物美追求价廉,服务追求完善 为企业坐标,客户所需要的,正是我们所追求的。 Superstrong Stationery manufacturing co.,ltd is established in 1997,we are concentrated on brand in order to lead the lord to the white board,the highlighter pen,the white board marker,the permanent marker,CD/DVD marker,the graphic marker,the window marker,the art POP marker and water color pen.it is a private enterprising which gathers the research and design,makers and products for the whole..It is acr oss the guanhaiwei industry west garden,cover 12000 square metres of area,own total more than 500persons of a glimmer of staffs. We have the most advanced high accuracy system mould equipments and excellent professional product designs.Just afer several years,we have developed agreat variety of novelty the white board,the highlighter pen,the white board marker,the permanent marker,CD/DVD marker,the graphic marker,the window marker,theart POP marker,the water color pen and each kinds of stationery etc,the products sell as far as global world. We are acontinuously enterprising,a collective filled with the vigoour and vitality enterprising.Quality is our life,prestige is our life,prestige is our headspring.Beautiful thing,low price and perfect service is the principle of our management.We will purchase what your requitement.各种颜色大小形状可供客户选择订购。
电话:86 574 63615327
传真:86 574 88212497
地址:中国 浙江 慈溪市 观海卫镇蒋家桥
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