日期:2012-06-04 11:18  点击:4
品牌: Ronan 型号: LC LC系列显示仪,LC 拟稿人:珠海康宝莱仪表有限公司 电话:13928090839 刘生 E-MAIL:combine1718@163.com 产品型号: LC LC系列显示仪简单介绍 LC系列显示仪The Series LC Lamp Cabinets provide maximum flexibility in terms of future expansion in the field, intermix of window size and lamp test capabilities. The models feature plug-in modules with four different window sizes, diode gated lamp test for DC voltage application, and relay type for all AC voltages LC系列显示仪的详细介绍 LC系列显示仪 LC Lamp Displays [LC Series] The Series LC Lamp Cabinets provide maximum flexibility in terms of future expansion in the field, intermix of window size and lamp test capabilities. The models feature plug-in modules with four different window sizes, diode gated lamp test for DC voltage application, and relay type for all AC voltages. SPECIFICATIONS Cabinet Size: Any number of windows high and wide. Bezel Sizes: 3.5 H X 3.5 W (LC1000), 1.75 H X 3.5 W (LC2000), 1.16 H X 3.5 W (LC3000), 1.75 H X 1.75 W (LC4000). Window Sizes: 2.75 H X 3.0 W (LC1000), 1.4 H X 3.0 W (LC2000), 0.86 H X 3.0 W (LC3000), 1.4 H X 1.4 W (LC4000). Standard Voltages: 24Vdc, 48Vdc, 125Vdc, 24Vac, 48Vac, 115Vac. Lamp Wattage: Two each 2-Watt lamps per window except LCP-4 which has one 2-Watt lamp, 125 Vdc and 115 Vac models have 3-Watt lamps. Expandability: Specify the cabinet for the maximum number of windows desired in the future, e.g. and LC-4000 accepts LCP-41, LCP-4, LCP-3, LCP-2, and LCP-1. Intermixability: Any plug-in module up to the maximum window number per cabinet module specified. Lenses: Sandwich type available.
地址:中国 广东 珠海市香洲区 翠珠工业区23栋
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