图片仅供参考,以实际订购物为准!卡通图案印花儿童口水小毛巾质地介绍:正面印花割绒背面毛圈颜色:见图(可打样)尺寸:约20*20CM9G 手感软 类似于毛圈布,通过割绒把毛圈割断修绒同时把面料表面绒毛剪短,其绒毛比毛圈布短有点类似天鹅绒表面的绒毛。许多消费者喜爱割绒毛巾精致的光泽。一般使用毛圈的一面接触皮肤,更容易吸湿!图案可爱,色泽亮丽,非常好看,小朋友都喜欢哦! 兰溪市五龙山毛巾厂,创建于1998年,坐落与风景迷人的中国兰花之乡----兰溪,依托本地区雄厚的技术优势,和多年生产毛巾的经验和(以品质服务客户)的经营理念,已在当地私人毛巾企业当中有不小的声誉,本厂现有先进织机30多台能满足客户的大量定单。 主要生产:各类小方巾,---素色巾,--高,中,底档一次性毛巾---割绒巾--宾馆桑拿浴巾等系列产品,生产出的毛巾质量一流,常授予各个客户的好评,因此本产品常年畅销与全国各个地区,及出口海外的各个国家。 本厂的口号是:诚信为本,严抓质量,热烈欢迎客户们前来订货,参观。Lan xi Wu long shan Towel Factory -- About usLanXi WuLong Mountain Towel Factory, was established in 1998, located in LanXi which country of Orchid that has charming scenery. Rely on the ideal of abundant technologies and fruitful experience on manufacture towels. It has good reputation among the local private corporation. The factory has advanced knitting machines of more than 30. It could satisfied with the customers requirement. Main products are: each kind of small square towels, plain towels, one-off towels of high-class, middle-class and low-class, bath towels and etc. The quality of products are good, often awarded good comments from the customer. The products are salable to each palce of China and also abroad. Factory Slogan: Based On Sincerity, Strict With Quality. Please visit the factory and contact us, you are always welcome with our open arms
批发 可爱卡通宝宝小毛巾/口水巾/小手帕/小方巾
日期:2010-09-18 01:03 点击:2