广州豪美皮具从事各种时装包、化妆包、文具袋.零钱包、手提袋.运动包.广告.礼品.促销包袋.珠包.皮具等生产及贸易. 经营范围:钱包 , 女包, 休闲包, 男包, 双肩包, 手袋, 旅行包, 挎包, 腰包, 夹包, 单肩包, 登山包, 运动包, 拉杆包, 沙滩包, 布包, PVC包, 毛绒包, 合成皮包, 真皮包, 无纺布袋, 皮带 Guangzhou luxe leather in all kinds of fashion bags, cosmetic bags, stationery bags. Zero wallet, handbag. Sport package. Advertising. Gifts. Promotional bags. Bead package. Leather goods production and trade.Business: wallets, handbags, leisure bags, men bags, shoulder bags, handbags, bag, bag, waist bag, Envelope, shoulder bags, mountaineering bags, sports bags, trolley bags, beach bags, cloth, PVC bag , plush bag, synthetic leather bags, leather bags, woven bags, belts
提供女包, 休闲包, 男包, 双肩包, 手袋
日期:2010-08-17 21:05 点击:7