供应深腾ST9500应急电源 便携式电源 UPS电源
日期:2013-04-22 09:14  点击:9
产品品牌:深腾 产品型号:ST9500 是否支持太阳能:是 电源容量:12V48AH144000mAh 适用类型:手机平板电脑摄相机数码相机笔记本打印机LED灯家庭应急照明等 LED等照明:是 品牌:深腾 咖啡色:我们还可以定做各种不同颜色的产品 紫红色:家庭型紫红色 黄色:工业极黄色 型 号 Mode 输出方式 Out Mode 电池容量 Bat capacity 交流输出波形 AC Waveform ST9200 OUT:DC USB 5V/3A DC12V/5A AC220V/50HZ 250W/330VA AC110V/60HZ 250W/330VA 12V 26AH 78000mAh 纯正弦波 Pure sine wave ST9500 OUT:DC USB 5V/3A DC12V/5A AC220V/50HZ 800W/1000VA AC110V/60HZ 800W/1000VA 12V 48AH 144000mAh 纯正弦波 Pure sine wave ST9800 OUT:DC USB 5V/3A DC12V/5A AC220V/50HZ 1000W/1300VA AC110V/60HZ 1000W/1300VA 12V 62AH 186000mAh 纯正弦波 Pure sine wave 交直流便携电源 AC-DC power portable 最轻,最薄,同等体积最小,容量最高,最方便携带的便携式备用电源产品。采用智能CPU控制模式,按键开关控制各路输出,大屏幕LCD显示,加上最先进的动力锂电池工艺,输出能量强劲,可大电流输出,提供交流纯正弦波、直流不同电压输出两种模式,以方便不同移动产品的需要,方便携带,适用所有移动产品的供电需求。 The worlds lightest, thinnest, smallest volume and maximum capacity of the portable power supply. Using the new Lithium battery technology, hight current output, AC pure sine wave and DC output with different volts, convenient to carry, applicable to all outdoor mobile products needed。 适用范围(Scope of application): 独有的DC5V 12V二种电压输出,各路电压均为大电流输出,这样同类产品所不能及的,AC100V~240V输出,输出功率最大可达1000W,动力锂电池做为输出的强大保障,为输出源源不断的提供动力源,适用各种移动产品供电,如手机,卫星电话,数码相机,移动硬盘,摄相机,平板电脑,LED灯,笔记本电脑,汽车启动,户外照明,抽水泵,医疗急救设备,冰箱,电视机,咖啡机等,可用于旅行,野外急救、采矿,探险,科考,媒体,抗震救灾,医生急救等. The unique DC5V/12V high power output, 110V or 220V / AC output 1000W, applicable to a variety of mobile products such as mobile phone, satellite phones, digital cameras, mobile hard drives, cameras, tablet PC, LED lights, laptop computers, car boot, outdoor lighting, water pump, medical equipment and so on, can be used for field first aid, mining, exploration, military, scientific, media, tourism, disaster relief, medical aid. 本品先进性(The advanced): 1)率先推出AC交流、DC直流双路输出的备用电源系统,适用于所有的交流、直流便携设备。 2)率先将锂电池应用到户外应急电源系统,克服了现有产品的笨重及环境污染,质量轻,便于携带. 3)便携电源中帅先采用交流纯正弦波输出,克服了方波,修正波不能带电机类感性负载,转换效率 低等特点。 4)重量轻,体积小,产品薄,容量高,只相当于同类产品的1/10重量,1/20的体积,5倍以上寿命, 20倍以上的容量。真正做到便携,好用。 5)低炭,环保,节能,高效。 1)Took the lead in the introduction of AC, DC AC DC dual output power supply system, applicable to all AC, DC portable equipment. 2)The lithium battery is applied to the outdoor emergency power supply system, overcome the existing products, heavy environmental pollution, light weight, easy to carry. 3)Portable power supply first adpot by AC sine wave output, overcomes the square wave, corrected wave cannot take motor type inductive load, conversion efficiency. 4)Light weight, small volume, high capacity, the product of the thin, equivalent to only 1 / 10 of the weight of similar products, the 1 / 20 of the volume, 5 times more than life,More than 20 times the capacity. Truly portable, easy to use. 5)Low carbon, environmental protection, energy saving, high efficienc.
电话:86 0755 25788562
传真:86 0755 25788563
地址:中国 广东 深圳市 深圳市罗湖区贝丽南路金丽大厦611B
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