品牌绿宝型号VV、VLV、VV22、VLV22线芯材质裸铜线电压等级中、低压电力电缆(35千伏及以下)绝缘材料塑料绝缘电力电缆 使用特性 1)电缆导体的最高额定温度为70℃。 2)短路时(最长持续时间不超过)电缆导体的最高温度不超过160℃。 3)敷设电缆时的环境温度不低于0℃,最小弯曲半径应不小于电缆外径的10倍。 1)The long-time working temperature of cable should not be highter than 70℃. 2)When core is in short-circuit(max 5s)the temperature should not exceed 160℃. 3)While insrallation the ambient remperature should not be lower than 0℃,and the bending radius should not be less than 10 times of diameter of cable. 型号、名称和使用范围 ㈠名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated PVC sheathed power cable 型号:VV、VLV Model:VV、VLV 适用范围:敷设在室内、隧道及管道中,电缆不能承受压力和机械外力作用 Main application:For laying in doors, inducts and kin tunnels, but unable to bear pulling force and pressure ㈡名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable 型号:VV22VLV22 Model:VV22VLV22 适用范围:敷设在室内、隧道及直埋土壤中,电缆能承受压力和其他外力作用 Main application:For laying in doors, in tunnels and direct in ground, able to bear pulling force and pressure ㈢名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed power cable 型号:VV32、VLV32 Model:VV32、VLV32 适用范围:敷设在室内、矿井中、水中,电缆能承受想当的拉力 Main application:For laying down wells and under water , able to bear certain axis pulling force ㈣名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘粗钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated PVC wire armored PVC sheathed power cable 型号:VV42VLV42 Model:VV42VLV42 适用范围:敷设在竖井,水下等垂直场合,能承受相当的拉力 Main application:For laying down wells and under water, able to bear certain pulling force ㈤名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套阻燃电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated PVC sheathed flame retardant power cable 型号:MT-W、ZR-VV、ZR-VLV Model:MT-W、ZR-VV、ZR-VLV 适用范围:敷设在室内、隧道及管道中,电缆不能承受压力和机械外力作用 Main application:For laying in doors, inducts and in tunnels, but unable to bear pulling force and pressure ㈥名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯护套阻燃电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed flame retardant power cable 型号:MT-W22、ZR-VV22、ZR-VLV22 Model:MT-W22、ZR-VV22、ZR-VLV22 适用范围:敷设在室内、隧道及直埋土壤中,电缆能承受压力和其他外力作用 Main application:For laying in doors, in tunnels and direction ground, able to bear pulling force and pressure ㈦名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套阻燃电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated fine steel wire armored PVC sheathed flame retardant power cable 型号:MT-W32、ZR-VV32、ZR-VLV32 Model:MT-W32、ZR-VV32、ZR-VLV32 适用范围:敷设在室内、矿井中,水中,电缆能承受相当的拉力 Main application:For laying in doors, in wells, under water, able to bear certain pulling force ㈧名称:聚氯乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套阻燃电力电缆 Name:PVC insulated steel wire armored PVC sheathed flame retardant power cable 型号:MT-W42、ZR-VV42、ZR-VLV42 Model:MT-W42、ZR-VV42、ZR-VLV42 适用范围:敷设在竖井,水下等垂直场合,能承受相当的轴向拉力 Main application:For laying down wells and under water, able to bear certain axis pulling force
日期:2010-07-14 19:42 点击:13
公司:绿宝电缆(集团)有限公司子 销售部
电话:86 0551 4416888
传真:86 0551 4311799
地址:中国 安徽 合肥市瑶海区 长江东路490号
电话:86 0551 4416888
传真:86 0551 4311799
地址:中国 安徽 合肥市瑶海区 长江东路490号