DTJ-C 型半自动胶囊充填机适用于充填机各种国产或者进口胶囊,本机采用电器、气动联合控制、配备 电子自动记数装置,能分别自动完成胶囊的就位、分离、充填、锁紧等动作、减轻劳动强度,提高生产效率 ,符合制药卫生要求。本机动作灵敏可靠,充填剂量准确,结构新颖、造型美观,操作方便,目前是制药行 业充填胶囊药品的理想设备。 Type DTJ-C Semi-automatic filling medicament machine for capsule is suitable for filling medicanment into capsnle is made in china or import capsule the electric and air controls used for this machine by which automatic counter into position capsules separated capsules filling and closed it can be operation so that it raises producing efficiency and reduces labour intensity and up to demands of hyglene for capsules it is feature with reliable easy operation correct filling advance structure good appearance.
最高产量 Max .productive capactity 12500 粒(s)/小时(h)
充填型号 Capsule size 00-4#
电源 Power supply AC380V 50Hz
功率 Power 2.2KW
外形尺寸 Overall dimensions (L)1290x(W)685x(H)1600mm
整机重量 Machine weight 330Kg
DTJ-C 半自动胶囊充填机
日期:2010-07-09 19:51 点击:11