供应 海韵牌 BT-2006型 塑光剂
日期:2013-07-20 01:05  点击:891




海韵牌BT-2006型塑光剂Chaton brand BT - 2006 shaping light agent执行标准:GB8076-1997 Executive standard: GB8076-1997一、用途及特点A, use and features  本品在反打振动密实成型混凝土彩色人行道地砖工艺中使用,能明显提高地砖早期强度和后期强度、提高表面光洁度和装饰性,同时还具有抑制制品返霜和延缓制品的褪色功能。该剂具有使彩色面层持久保色、色彩鲜艳、光滑亮泽等特点,并且显著提高耐磨性及抗压强度和抗折强度,显著提高抗渗性,增强抗冻融能力,提高耐久性。  This product in the play vibration close-grained forming concrete color sidewalks floor tile process using, it can obviously improve the floor tile early strength and post strength, improve surface finish and adornment sex, but also has a inhibition products return frost and slow fade function. The products, The agent has the colored surface lasting protect color, bright color, smooth shine wait for a characteristic, and significantly improve abrasion resistance and compressive strength and flexural strength, which can improve penetration-proof quality, enhance the freezing-thawing resisting capacity, improve the durability.二、执行标准:GB8076-1997Second, executive standard: GB8076-1997三、主要技术指标Three, its main technical indices
p H值:7~928d≥115%
四、用法与用量Four, usage and dosage1、面层料配方(在面层料中作光亮剂使用)1, surface layer material feeding formula (in as brightener use)
  面层料制备:在搅拌机中先后投入配方量细骨料和彩色水泥或面料,然后边搅拌边投入配方量拌合水与光亮剂的混合液(必须事先准备好),拌匀后,浇注入模成型。  Surface material preparation: in a blender successively invested formula ratio fine aggregate and chromatic cement or fabrics, then, stirring edge into the formula ratio of white water and brightener mixture (must make ready), well, sprinkle injection mold to shape.2、底层料配方2, bottom material formula水泥︰砂子︰石子︰UNF-5高效减水剂︰水 = 100︰167︰272︰1.25︰35Cement: sand: stones: UNF - 5 efficient jianshuiji: water = 100:167:272:1.25:35五、养护:Five, maintenance:  阴凉干燥处养护72h脱模,在室内避光的条件下养护7d移到室外,这期间不可洒水养护。  A cool and dry place maintenance 72h demoulding, indoors to avoid light conditions maintenance 7d outdoors, this period shall sprinkle curing.六、贮存与运输:Six, storage and transport:  本品为无毒、无味、不燃、无腐蚀性危害,可按非危险品贮运。  This product is non-toxic, odorless, non-flammable, noncorrosive harm, can press the dangerous goods and shipping.海韵牌BT-2006型塑光剂技术分析Chaton brand BT - 2006 shaping light agent technology analysis  增色、固色、赋予路面砖光亮鲜艳的面层,彩色路面砖光亮剂是采用磺化三聚氰胺甲醛树脂为主要原料制造而成的一种外加剂。这种光亮刑具有增色、固色等功能,能赋予路面砖光亮鲜艳面层,延长褪色时间。该产品为无色至微黄色透明液体或白色粉剂,无毒、无刺激性、无腐蚀性,不对环境产生污染。与各种水泥、颜料均具有很强的适应性。产品主要用于彩色水泥、白水泥、普通硅酸姑水泥生产彩色路面砖制品,彩色水泥瓦或其他需要增强和提高表面光洁皮的彩色混凝土制品。  Grace, solid color, giving road brick shining brightly colored pavement surface brick brightener was adopted sulphonated melamine formaldehyde resin as main raw materials manufacturing and become a admixtures. This light punishment with grace, solid color, and other functions, can gift road brick layer, prolong the fading light bright time. This product is colorless transparent liquid faintly yellow or white powder, non-toxic, without excitant, noncorrosive, not pollute the environment. With all sorts of cement, pigments are strong adaptability. The product is mainly used for chromatic cement, white cement, ordinary silicate cement production gu colored pavement brick products, chromatic cement tile or other needs to enhance and improve surface is bright and clean skin color concrete products.1 、主要指标1, main index外观:无色或微黄色透明液体,白色粉末 PH 值: 9 ± 1Appearance: colorless transparent liquid or light yellow, white powder PH:9 ± 1含固量 ( % ) : 38 ± 2 扩散力 (mm) :
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