是否提供加工定制 | 是 | 类型 | 低温冷冻机 |
额定制冷量 | 70(KW) | 输入功率 | 15(kw) |
外形尺寸 | 1。6*0。8*1。6(m) | 重量 | 610(kg) |
应用领域 | 电子,塑料,工业设备制冷等 | 冷冻方式 | 水冷式 |
5P水冷型冷水机开放式冷水机5P风冷冷水机标准型以水为媒介,如需降至3度以下,则可选择冷冻液为媒介可订做耐酸碱型和超低温型。三创牌冷水机的工作方式:冷水机为循环制冷:冰水经冷水机内置水泵泵出,流经模具或其它需冷却的设备,将模具或设备中的热量带走,再流回冷水机。冰水不断泵出,模具或设备中的热量不断被带走,回水温度达到设定的温度值时,压缩机停止工作。回水温度高于设定值时,压缩机自动启动,继续制冷。如此循环,节能省电。三创牌冷水机的特点:1。进口高品质全新压缩机,进口过滤器,膨胀阀,高低压表,温度控制器等主要配件。2。内置水泵,无需在外部管路另加水泵,厂区更整洁。3。箱体结构美观大方,占地小,安装,移动方便4。标准型内含水箱,给模具或机械等闭回路循环制冷时,可实现自动补水,杜绝无水运行。5。可选购壳管式蒸发器,给开放式容器或滚辊等大容量容器制冷时,防止溢水。6。可按客户要求制作多进多出,实现多台设备或模具的集中制冷1、the chiller adopt high-quality compressor and italy pump,so it is very sateand noiseless,economical in power and durable.2、the chiller is deployed with italy temperature controller,it can control the temperatrue between 5℃and 35℃exactly.3、the dexigns of chiller and radiator are unique,so the heat exchange efficiency is very high.4、the chiller is dexigned to be with current over-load protector, high voltage and low voltage construction and electric time-delay safeguard,when malfunction happende, it could alarm and show the cause of the problem in time.5、it has stainless steel temperature-holder box,it is very convince to purify. it is designed to be with anti-phase