日期:2013-07-22 10:32  点击:863





◆ 首先,有缘购买了本店的宝贝,店家一定会真诚服务到底的。随时有任何不满及意见欢迎告诉我,我都会虚心接受的。有什么情况请您及时联系我,我都会尽力为您解决,再次感谢您光临小店!
◆ 海星、海螺、贝壳均是天然生长形成。每个都不可能一模一样,难免有小的瑕疵也属于正常情况,并非人为造成的破损,也请您有任何疑惑及不满都要跟我联系喔!
◆ 店内宝贝的图图均是店家亲手拍摄的喔!100%实物拍摄且都没有做过后期处理,毕竟店家又不是摄影师,不能掌握技巧,由于拍摄过程中受光线、角度等不可抗拒因素影响,包括您的显示器的原因,照片与实物间可能会有微弱的色差,色彩复合大的宝贝色差稍大,所以亲就简单欣赏下好了,具体以实物为准喔,我厂是一家收集和销售世界海域的海螺,贝壳等一系列贝壳标本,贝壳工艺品,贝壳饰品,贝壳服装,鞋帽,饰品,美甲,马赛克,工艺品等配件的综合性工厂。
我厂有大量批发海螺,贝壳,贝壳工艺品,贝壳饰品,饰品配件,工艺品配件,服装辅料,美甲我厂是一家收集和销售世界海域的海螺,贝壳等一系列贝壳标本,贝壳工艺品,贝壳饰品,贝壳服装,鞋帽,饰品,美甲,马赛克,工艺品等配件的综合性工厂。 网址www.guobingbk.com 邮箱guobingbk@gmail.com
◆ 店面地址:义乌饰品专业(长春)6街25号 电话 0579-85625306 QQ1156305837 379382232◆ 工厂地址:后宅工业区(高速公路收费站旁边) 电话 0579-85643398
◆ First of all, destined to buy the shop baby stores will sincerely service in the end. At any time any complaints and comments are welcome to tell me, I will humbly accept. Please contact me, I will try to solve your, thank you again to visit our store!
◆ starfish, conch, shells are formed of natural growth. Each of which can not be exactly the same, it is inevitable small flaws in a normal situation, not human-caused damage, but also you have any doubts and dissatisfaction should contact me.
Figure ◆ store baby store personally taken Oh! 100% taken in kind and have not done the post-processing, after all the stores are not a photographer, you can not master the skills, shooting by the light, angle and force majeure including the reason of your display, the picture may have weak color, color composite baby color is slightly larger, so pro enjoying some good, specific kind prevail, our factory is a collection and integrated factory of the conch shell and a series of specimens of shells, shell crafts, shell jewelry, shell clothing, shoes, hats, jewelry, nail art, mosaics, crafts and other accessories in the sale of the world's waters.
My factory wholesale conch shells, shell crafts, shell jewelry, accessories, arts and crafts accessories, garment accessories, nail
Our factory is the factory of a series of specimens of shells, shell crafts, shell jewelry, shell clothing, shoes, hats, jewelry, nail art, mosaics, crafts and other accessories in the waters of the collection and sale of a world conch shells. The URL www.guobingbk.com mailbox guobingbk@gmail.com
◆ Store address: Yiwu jewelry professional Street 25 Tel0086 579-85625306 QQ1156305837 379 382 232 ◆ Factory Address: Houzhai Industrial Zone (next to the highway toll station) Tel 0579-85643398

电话:86 579 85625306
传真:86 579 85625306
地址:中国 浙江 义乌市 国际商贸城(西大门对面)长春饰品专业街六街25号商铺
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