供应低价处理小规格石岛红新8号火烧板 60元起
日期:2013-08-02 10:49  点击:711






山东荣成市振通石材厂位于山东威海荣成虎山镇内,是一家集花岗板材加工、异形材加工;石制品雕刻、石材幕墙干挂于一体的专业石材加工企业。 我厂生产加工的石岛红G3786、龙须红、皇室珍珠、荣成灰、山东白麻等,资源丰富、质地优良、品种独有, 石岛红 被国家确定为 中国名特石材品种"。石岛红矿山驰名中外被誉为 中国石材第一矿 。 中文名:石岛红 石岛红(G3786)英文名:Shidao Red 与 Peninsula Red 产品等级:A级 产品型号:石岛红7号(代号:G3786),石岛红8号(G3786-8),石岛红新8号(G3786-8) 石岛红属于花岗岩的一种,石质结构均匀,质地坚硬,不易风化颜色美观,外观色泽可保持百年以上,由于其硬度高耐磨损,除了用作高级建筑装饰工程,大厅地面外,还是露天雕刻的首选之材。 石岛红石质均匀,具有细腻的质感为石材之佳品,力学性能均匀,内部致密,其敲击声清脆悦耳,孔隙分布均匀孔径小吸水率低物理性能、化学性能极佳,对风化、水化、溶解、脱水、酸化,还原和碳酸盐等化学侵蚀具有相当的抵抗力。 石岛红的产地是:山东省荣成市人和镇其板材鲜艳光亮、豪华美观具有耐碱、抗风化、抗压抗折强度高、吸水率低、使用寿命长、工程面积装修无色差等优点。经 国家石材质量检测中心 检测, 石岛红 牌花岗石板材其放射性指标均在国 A 标准以内,是高档建筑装饰装修的绿色环保产品。 振通石材厂拥有先进的花岗石大板、薄板、标准板、火烧扳生产线;平板大锯,圆弧锯,各种异形仿型加工机,加工设备数台套。如今, 石岛红 已经载着用户的赞誉红遍中国,走向世界,畅销国内外,日韩美等众多国家和地区。 振通石材欢迎国内外客户前来洽谈合作! 孙银乾 0631-7458838 手机:13465122798

Rongcheng City, Shandong Zhen Tong Stone Factory is located in Weihai, Shandong Rongcheng Hu Town, is a granite sheet metal processing, special-shaped material processing; stone carving, stone curtain wall in one of the professional stone processing enterprises. I plant production and processing of Shidao red G3786, asparagus red, royal pearl, Rong ashes, Shandong white hemp and other rich resources, good texture, variety alone, "Shidao Red" by the state identified as "China name special stone variety. " Shidao red mine famous and known as "the first mine of stone."
Chinese name: Isle of red
Shidao Red (G3786) English name: Shidao Red and Peninsula Red
Product Grade: A-level
Model: Shidao Red 7 (code: G3786), Shidao Red 8 (G3786-8), Shidao red new 8 (G3786-8)
Shidao red is a granite, stone structure, uniform, hard texture, not easily weathered color appearance, color appearance can be maintained for more than a century, because of its high hardness and wear resistance, except for senior architectural engineering, the ground outside the hall, or open first choice for carving wood.
Isle of red stone evenly, with delicate texture of the stone to share and uniform mechanical properties, internal compact, clear and melodious sound of their knocking, a small pore diameter distribution of physical properties of low water absorption, excellent chemical properties of weathering, water of dissolution, dehydration, acidification, reduction and carbonate with considerable resistance to chemical attack.
Shidao red origin is: Rongcheng City, Shandong Province and the town of its board bright light, luxury and beauty with alkali, weathering resistance, high compressive and flexural strength, low water absorption, long life, no color decoration project area advantages. The "National Quality Inspection Center Stone" test, "Shidao Red" brand granite tile its radioactive indicators in the country "A" standard within a high-grade construction decoration of green products.
Zhen Tong Stone Factory has advanced granite plates, sheets, standard board, fire pull production line; flat large saws, circular saws, profiling a variety of special-shaped machine, the number of sets of processing equipment. Now, "Shidao Red" has been popular in China, carrying the user's reputation in the world, selling home and abroad, Japan and South Korea the United States and many other countries and regions. Vibration through stone welcome customers to negotiate and cooperate!
Silver Sun dried 0631-7458838 Mobile: 13465122798

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