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『洋酒』仓储直供 J B珍宝杰选12年威士忌700ml
J B is unique in taste: light in style, fresh and fruity in aroma, with a hint of smokiness on the palate.
It is crafted from a collection of individual malt and grain whiskies. Like guests at the perfect party, each is carefully selected for its own personality plus the ability to bring a unique complexity and style to the blend.
A bevy of Speyside whiskies brings mellow fruitiness, superior smoothness and elegant flavour. Extra complexity comes from the judicious addition of sweet light Lowland malts and robustHighland malts. A touch of Islay whiskies provides a thoughtful background of quiet peatiness.
The result is a remarkable drink that can proudly claim to be the second most popular Scotch whisky in the world.
J B苏格兰威士忌,全称 Justerini Brooks ,于1749年创立于英国伦敦。是销量位居世界第二的苏格兰威士忌。它的黄色瓶标,拥有八位英国历代君王的签名。
其包装瓶上的八位英国君王分别为乔治三世、乔治四世、威廉四世、维多利亚女皇、乔治五世、威尔士亲王爱德华、乔治六世,以及伊丽莎白女皇二世。从1760年到1952年的近200年间,他们分别向威士忌颁发了 皇家御用许可证 ,封为皇室御酒。
其独特的酿造工艺加上选用了42种顶级的麦芽威士忌与谷物威士忌,经过多道工序精心调和,在橡木桶中酝酿超过三年,才获得均衡、柔和的上乘口味。同时,来自斯佩塞地区的麦芽威士忌,赋予了威士忌以独特的梨香味;余味持久的香草和花蜜,则贡献了令人垂涎欲滴的甘甜与滑爽。就混饮而言,调和42种威士忌的J B威士忌也是上上之选,其天然混合的特质,拥有与生俱来的包容性,是目前最适合用来混饮的威士忌,借助调酒师微妙而精到的调酒艺术,创造千变万化的威士忌口味。