产品类别 | 整副假睫毛 | 假睫毛梗类别 | 塑料棉线梗 |
款式 | 带闪片/水钻款 | 材质 | 纤维 |
规格 | 1.2-1.8cm | 货号 | 082 |
产地 | 山东青岛市平度长乐工业园 | 装箱数量 | 1000 |
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本商行主要经销:彩带眼睫毛、铂金铂银眼睫毛、羽毛的、镶钻的、亮粉亮片夜光的、种植的、人发的、各种颜色的化纤眼睫毛、有绑的、有粘的、有机制的、嫁接眼睫毛胶水、嫁接毛专用胶欢迎选购也可来样加工。 本产品远销 中东..南美..欧美..日韩等国家.... 本商行为厂家直销...品种繁多.....欢迎新老客户来样定做.......假睫毛的多种用法:1、把它剪成一半,用来粘后眼尾处,适合眼睛小而圆的女孩,有拉长眼睛的作用!2、把它剪成一小撮的那样,一段一段的,拿镊子把它有间隔的粘在睫毛根上,又自然,又可爱!3、整个粘,根据自己眼宽大小把尖的部位稍微修正一下就可以了,适合晚间,还有舞台和演出(可同时粘2--3副),显的眼睛大而浓密! 別以為假睫毛妝效一定很夸张,其实只要戴的有技巧,就能创造宛如天生般漂亮的大眼睛The false eyelash various usages:1, cut it in half, and used to stick on eye end place, suitable for small and round eyes girls, have the role of spining eyes!!!!!2, put it into a tiny handful of that cut, section by section, with a pair of tweezers it has the spacing of the sticky eyelash root,looks nature, and cute!3, the sticky, according to their own eyes wide to the part of the small pointed slightly fixed it, and suitable for the evening, and stage and performance (and can stick 2-3 vice), show eyes big and thick!!!!!Don"t think false eyelash makeup effect must be very exaggerated, in fact as long as wearing, you will create a skill as a natural beautiful big eyes