日期:2013-11-16 16:43  点击:999



适用范围适用于实验室,工业, 医疗,汽车制造和控制等行业。最小显示值0.00001g
RADWAG(瑞德威)是欧洲波兰最大的电子天平生产商(世界第三大天平), 也是欧洲及世界最重要的生产商之一。Radwag在波兰有它自己的场地,生产世界一流的衡器包括彩色触摸屏智能化电子天平系列,提供丰富多样的现代化天平,适用于实验室,工业, 医疗,汽车制造和控制等行业。ISO质量系统ISO Quality SystemRADWAG is the biggest producer of electronic weighing instruments in Poland. In 2002 it implemented Quality Management System ISO9001:2000, and in 2007 ISO 13485 (medical products).more Certifying Body T V Saarland e.V.It has performed certification of quality management system of RADWAG for compatibility with norm DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.The reliablity of our quality management system is guaranteed by annual control audits carried out by notified bodies, supervising our company. The Quality Management System introduced in Radwag has been acknowledged by the following European institutions:Cesk Metrologick InstitutCzech notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI and 2004/22/WE - MID. It performs test certificates for prototypes of RADWAG weighing instruments and issues EC Certificate of Type Compatibility. CMI has performed certification of RADWAG quality management system for compatibility with directive 90/384/EEC and 2004/22/WE.T V RheinlandGerman notified body according to directive 93/42/EEC and for evaluation of quality management system of manufacturers of medical instruments. TUV Rheinland has certified RADWAG for compatibility with directive 93/42/EEC; attachment V and norm EN ISO 13485:2003.Main Mining InstituteNotified body according to directive 94/9/EC - ATEX and for quality management system of manufactureres who produce equipment for operation in explosive zones. It performs complete tests of prototypes for operation in explosive zones and issues Test Certificate Type EC. RADWAG has received an Announcement on Quality Assurance from Main Mining Institute in Poland.Measuring Laboratory of Radwag has been created and selected as an independent body in the structure of Radwag company. In 2004, Radwag Measuring Laboratory was granted accreditation from Polish Centre for Accreditation (AP 069), akcnowledging its competence and conformity of Quality Management Systems with the requirements of the International Standard - PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005.Polish Centre of AccreditationPolish body for accreditation of laboratories. It has confirmed Measuring Laboratory of RADWAG to be compatible with norms of ISO/IEC 17025:2001.产品证书Products certificatesMetrological CertificatesCentral Office of MeasuresPolish notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI. It performs complete tests on RADWAG prototypes of weighing instruments and issues Conformity Certificate Type EC.?esk Metrologick InstitutCzech notified body according to directive 90/384/EEC - NAWI and 2004/22/WE - MID. It performs test certificates for prototypes of RADWAG weighing instruments and issues EC Certificate of Type Compatibility. CMI has performed certification of RADWAG quality management system for compatibility with directive 90/384/EEC and 2004/22/EC.Nederlands MeetinstituutNational Type Evaluation ProgramAmerican notified body. It performs complete tests of weighing instruments on compatibility with norms valid on territory of USA.Meteorology Law of the People"s Republic of ChinaChinese Certifying Office has performed tests on RADWAG weighing instruments and issued type approval document for RADWAG laboratory balances.Sanayi Ve Ticaret BakanligiUkraine State Metrological SystemRussian Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and MetrologySpecial CertificatesT V RheinlandGerman notified body according to directive 93/42/EEC and for evaluation of quality management system of manufacturers of medical instruments. TUV Rheinland has certified RADWAG for compatibility with directive 93/42/EEC; attachment V and norm EN ISO 13485:2003.Safety CertificatesPolish National Hygiene InstituteScience and Tests Institute for testing RADWAG weighing instruments on attestation for contact with food and harm of human health and life. It issues Certificate of Health Quality.Military Centre for Normalization, Quality and CodificationPolish certifying unit for compatibility with NATO standardizing documentation AQAP. It issues a document: NATO Code of National Market Unit, which is confirmed by a respective certificate.Main Mining InstituteNotified body according to directive 94/9/EC - ATEX and for quality management system of manufactureres who produce equipment for operation in explosive zones. It performs complete tests of prototypes for operation in explosive zones and issues Test Certificate Type WE. RADWAG has received from Main Mining Institute an Announcement on Quality Assurance.奖品及奖项Prizes and Awards2008European Medal for XA/X analytical balance granted by Business Centre Club2007Distinction expressed by allowance of using Q symbol given by jury of Forum Jako?ci Quality International 2007 competitionMembership of Elite Club of Business Gazelles a group of most dynamically developing companies, acknowledged by daily Business Pulse European medal for MXA/F microbalance granted by Business Centre Club2006Membership of Elite Club of Business Gazelles a group of most dynamically developing companies, acknowledged by daily Business Pulse European medal for WAS/X analytical balance granted by Business Centre Club2005Membership of Elite Club of Business Gazelles a group of most dynamically developing companies, acknowledged by daily Business Pulse Golden Wings 2005 granted by Wings Economy Award Jury and Word Daily Magazine2004Distinction for Polish technologies promotion in Europe and around the World granted by Pomiar publishers2003Market Individuality - Merkury 2003 in Product and Service category for WAX scales with first in Poland CE certificates granted by Foreign Markets 2002I Prize in Best Stand competition during II Scientific-Technical Conference Using Technology and Measuring Systems In Industry granted by Wag-Tech Pomiar publishers2001Prize in a competition of best market offer in Chemical Analytic category for analytical scales offer granted by III International Fair of Analytics and Measuring Techniques EuroLab 20011998Wings 98 in acknowledgement of remarkable achievements at Radom s region promotion in Poland and abroad granted by S?owo Ludu Award Jury Radom s Wings1985Medal for Quality, Functionality and Beauty for Radwag s domestic scale granted by Central Craft Union at National fair in Poznań仪器介绍RADWAG(瑞德威)是欧洲波兰最大的电子天平生产商(世界第三大天平), 也是欧洲及世界最重要的生产商之一。Radwag在波兰有它自己的场地,生产世界一流的衡器包括彩色触摸屏智能化电子天平系列,提供丰富多样的现代化天平,适用于实验室,工业, 医疗,汽车制造和控制等行业。仪器特点功能:计件称量计量称量动物称量密度测定检重称量百分比称量统计功能配方称量空气浮力校正GLP 规范吊钩称量红外传感器移液器校准3年保修期XA/Y分析天平的设计理念基于全新电子模块传感器技术。 特 价 促 销!★5,7 彩色面板的智能触摸屏,实现便捷安全的天平操作★红外感应器,实现无需用手接触的称量操作:开关门、打印、去皮等★电子水平控制系统,在天平偏移水平位置时提供警告提示功能★最新智能软件:直观,方便和用户友好的菜单★全自动校准技术,温度漂移和时间设置触发的内置砝码全自动校准和全自动线性校准,获得精确称量结果★可移动、分离的智能显示控制终端大大降低冲击和震动带来的影响,并增加了人体工程学的操作★通讯接口: 2 USB接口,RS232串口,以太网,更多的显示端口技术参数型号XA52/YXA110/YXA60/220/YXA100/YXA160/YXA220/YXA310/Y最大秤量52g100g60/220g100g160g220g310kg可读性0.01mg0.01mg0.01/0.1mg0.1mg0.1mg0.1mg0.1mg重复性0.01mg0.025mg0.02/0.1mg0.1mg0.1mg0.1mg0.2mg线性 0.02mg0.05mg 0.05/0.2mg 0.2mg 0.2mg 0.2mg 0.3g秤盘尺寸¢85mm¢100mm校准方式全自动内校(时间、温度触发)显示5.7 彩色触摸屏接口2 USB接口,RS232串口,以太网
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