供应御高 Ugo MIF 香皂 25g
日期:2014-03-10 11:56  点击:980
品牌:Ugo Vanelli

Ugo Vanelli


Soap Savon

香皂 25g

Ugo Vanelli


Soap Savon

香皂 50g

Ugo Vanelli 以打造非常名贵的首饰和时尚配饰而闻名于时尚界,包括丝巾,披肩和一系列的男士领带而成名。Ugo Vanelli 香水系列诠释了他唯一的哲学观和理念 ---- 优雅并矜持着。
“Day after Day”: Ugo Vanelli 的经典之作,全方位诠释该品牌的理念。

产品:洗发露,护发素,沐浴露和润肤露,香皂,甘油皂,润唇膏,剃须啫喱,须后啫喱,头发啫喱, 防晒霜,晒后修复霜,浴盐,香水,保湿霜,舒缓啫喱,眼霜,面部喷雾 ,漱口水和洗衣粉等。

[Ugo Vanelli MIF]

Ferré fragrances are now poised to enter the luxury hotel and hospitality industry with his Eau de Cologne line. Today,s luxury hotel guests expect more from their stay. They are increasingly brand conscious and they look for quality and prestige image. With a total guarantee of quality, exclusivity and prestige, today the Ferre brand has created a hotel line. For the most discerning guests, to be distributed in the most prestigious and luxury hotel chains in the world.

Exclusive Products:Bath Shower Gel, Body Lotion Hair Shampoo, Hair Conditioner and Soap. Eau de Cologne, Bath Salt, Shaving Gel, After Shave Gel, Cleansing Foam, Moisturizing Lotion, Lip Balm, Facial Spray, Eye Gel and Relaxing Gel.

Products: Shampoo, Hair Conditioner, Foam Bath Gel and Body Lotion. Gentle Soaps, Glycerine Soap, Lip Balm, Shaving Gel, After Shave Gel, Hair Gel, Sun Lotion, After Sun Lotion, Bath Salt, Eau de Cologne, Moisturizer, Relaxing Gel, Eye Gel, Facial Spray, Mouthwash and Deordarant.

电话:86 021 64739097
地址:中国 上海 上海市 徐汇区吴兴路277号308室
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