星坛HBR210P-10语音识别 智能娃娃ANNIE
日期:2014-03-20 08:27  点击:691
批号:无封装:COB/ 机芯
批号:无封装:COB/ 机芯
英文特定人语音识别HBR110P-S11A 小女孩儿annie剧本: 开机:Hi, How do you do. I’m annie. 训练语: Do you want to play with me? O.K. You should first let me hear your voice. Come on, follow me: 1. Are you hungry? 2. Want to play? 3. What's your favorite music? 4. May I kiss you? 5. What's up? 6. What's so funny? 7. I'm sorry to hear that. 8. I am sorry! Oh, your have a sweet voice. Can you speak it again? 训练结束 O.K. Let’s play together. Do you want to ask me some questions? 1. Are you hungry? 你饿了吗? Yes, I need pasta, spaghetti, brownie, cookie, and cheese cake!!! Heyhey! Nice appetite huh? 嗯 ,我要意大利面, 核仁巧克力饼,曲奇,还有芝士蛋糕!!! 嘿嘿,胃口很不错哦! Yes…but I am on diet…I don’t want get fat…I want to keep my figure slim 恩恩,好饿啊,可是,你知道吗,我在减肥。。。我可不想长胖,我要保持身材。 2. Want to play? 一起玩好吗? Of course, first, sing a song for me then we play, ok? 当然好啦,不过可以先给我唱一首歌吗?然后我们再一起玩! No, I am not in the mood, the exam didn’t go well yesterday,kind of screwed up … 不好,我心情不太好,昨天考试考的不好,可能砸了 3. What's your favorite music? 你最喜欢什么音乐? Mariah, Carey!!!!!!!!!!Hurray!!!!!listen “There can be miracle when you believe…” 玛丽亚凯丽, 哇哦!!快听” 当你相信,就会有奇迹…..” Well, uh, Christina is my favorite , she is so hot and passionate… 我喜欢克里斯订那,她好漂亮,而且非常有激情。 4. May I kiss you? 亲一下好吗? Let me think about it… ok, 5 bucks per kiss, haha! Kidding! 让我想想…好吧…一个吻5美金,哈哈,开玩笑的. No, I’ve got a boyfriend… 那可不行,我已经有男朋友了。。 5. What's up? 怎么了? Nothing much, just lonely and sad because you are so busy that you don’t even have time to play with me… 没什么,只是有一点孤单还有一点难过, 因为你总是这么忙,从来都没有时间陪我玩! Good, perfect, everything is cool, I went to see TRANSFORMER yesterday, and it’s amazing!! You should watch it! 哈哈,非常棒,我昨天去看了变形金刚,太棒了,你看了吗, 千万不能错过! 6. What's so funny? 什么事这么好玩? John Steward is teasing Bush again, he said Bush looks like a gorilla…what do you say! JOHN STEWARD 又在欺负BUSH了,他说BUSH像一只大猩猩……你觉得呢? Because you look funny haha! 因为你长得好玩,哈哈 7. I'm sorry to hear that. 听到后我很难过. It’s ok, life is tough, I am a little girl, but I am tougher. 没关系,生活就是这样艰辛的,我是一个小女孩,但是我很坚强 No problem ,I will get through it! 没事,我能挺过去的 8. I am sorry! 对不起! Never mind, everybody makes mistakes, I will forget it and forgive you? 没关系.每个人都会犯错,我会忘记这件事并且原谅你的. Sorry is not enough, buy me a ice cream then I will forgive you.! 对不起有什么用,给我买一个冰激凌我就原谅你! 拒识: 1.Honey, I haven’t caught your word. May I beg your pardon? 2.Could you speak slowly? I can’t follow you. 3.I am so tired that I don’t want to speak. 4.1,What are you talking about? 30秒没人说话: 1.Why don’t you say anything? 2.It’s so boring. Who is going to talk with me? 2 分钟没人说话 1.Hi, dar, what are you doing? Talk to me, I like to talk with you. 2.All of you are busy, I am going to read books.
地址:中国广东省广州市萝岗区 广州萝岗区科学大道33号视联科技园B301
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