? 品名 : Dolce Blanco (朵丝半甜白葡萄酒) ? 葡萄品种 : 100% Verdejo 弗德乔 ? 酒精度 : 9% ? 容量 : 750ml ? 年份 : 2012 年 ? 产品等级 : V.T Castilla y leon (卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂产区) ? ?
This is a new concept of wine made from verdejo grapes, presented as the spanish alternative to italian sparkling wines. ?Semisweet, semi-sparkling white, naturally elaboratedfrom selected grapes of the Verdejo varietal that are coldfermented, partially controlled until it reaches 8 oC. This keepsthe sweetness and produces the characteristic sparklingbubbles that caress the palate on drinking.Serving temperature: 5-7oC ? ? 酒评 : 采用精选的青葡萄进行天然酿造,冷发酵结合温度控制辅助,直至达到9oC。此酿造法有效地保持了甜度,并生成个性化的细微气泡,丰富口感。 略泛绿光的浅黄色泽,具有浓烈的果香,口感甜,让人唤然一新。适合搭配开胃菜和甜点。
?The history of the winery dates to 1935. About 80 years of history and effort have made Cuatro Rayas the reference in Spanish white wines today. Cuatro Rayas produces over 20% of the wine bottled from the Rueda appellation, making it the largest producer with an annual production level of 11 million bottles. The winery has invested heavily in optimizing its facilities and processes, presently extending over 14,000 square meters. Cuatro Rayas also has two bottling lines that can produce 10,000 bottles per hour. Its wines, drawn mainly from the Verdejo varietal, lead white wine consumption in Spain and also have a large following in foreign markets, with a presence in over 40 countries. Cuatro Rayas has been certified with the quality standards of BRC (British Retail Consulting), IFS (International Food Standard), and ISO 9001:2008 standard. The vineyards of 2,100 hectares basically sits on typically terraced land, with a sandy loam structure. The first 30 cm are composed of pebbly and sandy ground. Beyond 30 cm is a high concentration of clay. The vineyards get approximately 2,600 hours of sunshine a year. ? ? ?始建于1935年,经过近80年的历史和努力,拉雅酒庄现已成为西班牙干白葡萄酒的代表,是鲁埃达法定产区最大的生产商,年产量1100万瓶占整个产区总产量的20%以上。酒庄不断优化酿酒设施,现已扩大到1400平方, 拥有两条灌装线,可灌装10000瓶/小时。最主要的葡萄酒来自青葡萄系列(Verdejo),不仅引领了西班牙本土的干白葡萄酒消费,而且广销40多个海外市场。拥有多项质量认证:BRC (British Retail Consulting英国零售商公会), IFS (International Food Standard国际食品标准), ISO 9001:2008 等.酒庄自有葡萄园2100公顷,主要是典型砂壤土结构的阶梯图层,30cm以上是卵石和沙质的地面,30cm以下则是高浓度的粘土,年日照超过2600小时。 ? ?The climate of DO Rueda is continental. The land is a flat high plain at an altitude of between 700 and 800 metres above sea level. With ong hot summers and cold winters, the roots of grapes are forced to extend the deeper soil and find the water source. The evident temperature difference between days and nights promote the balance of sugar and acidity and forms the characteristic of vineyards in this regin. The soil is mostly gravel, poor in organic materials, rich in calcium and magnesium, stony but easy to farm, with good ventilation and drainage. In all, iron and limestone contained soil plays a major role to the qaulity of wines. The soil of this region has the advantage for the cultivation of grapes. ? ?法定产区:D.O. Rueda (鲁埃达) 鲁埃达地区为大陆性气候,海拔在 700至 800米之间,土地平坦但地势较高,冬季寒冷漫长,夏季炎热干燥,这就迫使葡萄植株根部向地下更深层土壤生长延伸寻找水源。另一方面,显著的昼夜温差使糖度和酸度达到了其他气候不同的区域所难以企及的平衡,赋予该原产地命名的葡萄酒独特性。这里的土壤富含钙和镁并且多石,形成了特有的“砂砾土”,通风排水良好, 总的来说,含有铁质和石灰质的土地是决定葡萄质量的主要因素,从这个角度看,该地区的土壤对葡萄生长十分有利。