美国康星水系统清洗与保养莱姆“ ”
日期:2014-04-24 08:51  点击:761
Lime Dissolver“Plus”tc \"Plus\"莱姆“ ”tc \"莱姆“ ”\"No Fume Scale Removertc \"No Fume ScaleRemover\"安全无烟水垢去除剂●Environmentally Safe, Industrial Strength安全,高效●Non Corrosive for Stainless Steel andCeramic 对不锈钢、陶瓷等无腐蚀●Application Wide Range 使用面广泛●Can Be Used in Panel Heat Exchanger 可用于板式换热器等较精密系统tc \"安全无烟水垢去除剂\"莱姆“ ”相对市面上绝大部分酸性清洗剂更安全、有效;采用特殊配方可用于去除各种无机盐污垢,如水垢、锈渍、水泥渍以及石灰渍等转化为水溶物后彻底清除;对不锈钢、陶瓷等无腐蚀。特别适合用于去除如空调热交换器设备等要求相对较高的清洗。Lime Dissolver“Plus”is much safer and more effective than mostof other acidic cleaner in market, it uses special ingredients which make itcan remove all kinds of scaling andfouling formed by inorganic salts. Such as water scale、rust、cement and Lime besmirch. Moreover, it doesnot corrode stainless steel and ceramic materials. It is especially applicable tothe high requirement of cleaning progress, for instance the air conditioning`scleaning and heat exchanger`s cleaning.使用方法1. 1.可通过冲刷或浸泡系统以去除不牢固的锈垢及污垢。2.对主机清洗,按1:5-15的比例配制清洗液。3.tc \"4.注入莱姆“ ”,运行一段时间后,会发现PH值较投放初期明显变高;\"对系统打循环:若是主机清洗,循环时间在4-8小时左右。2. 4.tc \"5.对系统打循环:若是主机清洗, 循环时间在4-8小时左右;\"在排除废液以前,请用酸洗中和剂中和至pH值7-8,这样可确保排放污水达到国家排放标准。3. 5.tc \"6.在排除废液以前, 请用氢氧化钠或苏打粉中和至7-8,这样可确保排放污水达到国家排放标准;\"用清水彻底冲洗系统1-2次,以去除所有残留。4. 6.tc \"7.用清水彻底冲洗系统1-2次,以去除所有残留;\"注满清水后,定期加入康星缓蚀阻垢一体剂和微生物杀灭剂,以便保养系统。Directions1. Remove the Loose scaling and fouling byscouring or immersion.2. Clean host machine using a working fluid atratio of 1:5~1:15.3. Clean host machine during the systemcirculating, the cleaning time should be 4~8h.4. Using a Neutralizer to adjust pH value of the Residual Liquid to 7~8 before waste water`s discharge, so it can come up to nationalstandard.5. Using water cleaning the system 1~2 timesto remove the residues.6. After water injection, add a certainquantity of ComStar Single Packed Scale and Corrosion Inhibitor and AlgaeDestroyer to maintain the equipment.tc\"8.注满清水后,定期加入康星缓蚀阻垢一体剂和微生物杀灭剂,以便保养系统。\"注意:铝制品表面慎用,大理石表面禁用。Attention: Careful Use in Aluminum Products ,Banned for Marble.注意事项1.操作时请戴橡胶手套和防护眼镜。2.如不慎误服,请立即漱口,并饮用大量牛奶或清水。
电话:86 025 86586521
传真:86 025 86586528
地址:中国 江苏 南京市白下区 虎踞南路34号
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