品牌:久固 锦峰
山东高密市锦峰(劳保)鞋业有限公司位于全国劳保生产基地高密市朝阳开发区,是一家专业从事劳保防护鞋、商务工作鞋的开发设计、生产、销售与服务的知名企业。本厂始终遵循质量为本,安全创新的经营准则,在激烈的市场竞争中不断发展壮大,获得了众多销售商和顾客的好评与赞誉。 本厂以生产 久固 牌和 JIUGU\"牌劳保防护鞋靴为主。产品配套齐全,主要产品有:AN1保护足趾安全鞋、6KV绝缘安全鞋、防静电安全鞋、防刺穿I级安全鞋等、耐油防护鞋、耐高温防护鞋,产品均具有防滑、透气的功能,设计优秀合理,制作精细讲究,质量过硬,性能优越。 我厂所产劳保防护鞋靴经国家劳保用品检验中心依据国家LD50-94(防砸)/GB16756-97(耐油)/ GB12017-89(防穿刺)/GB12011-2000 (6KV绝缘)/GB4385-95(防静电)等标准检测,技术性能均达到国家标准,所检项目符合优等品要求。 我们的产品,根据行业与工种的不同,采用不同材料和工艺,不仅能满足各种恶劣工作环境的需要,也是行政商务的理想选择。经石化、煤矿、冶炼、化工、建筑、机械制造、铁道、船舶、酒店、无尘室电子行业、登山、户外作业等工种穿用,反映效果良好,备受欢迎。 欢迎广大新老客户来样加工、批量定做各种特殊式样,诚邀各市地经销商加盟,共图辉煌! 我们愿以高品质的产品和超前的优质服务,与社会各界携手,为创造现代优质安全新环境而努力。 Shandong Jinfeng Gaomi (Safety) Footwear Co., Ltd. located in the People's Republic of China production base for labor supplies - Development Zone in Chaoyang gaomi City, we are a professional engaged in labor protection shoes, work shoes, business development and design, production, the well-known sales and service business. Our factories, the quality of basic, safe operation of the criteria of innovation, in the fierce market competition has grown in strength and access to many vendors and customers praise and commendation. Our factory mainly produces \"久固\" brand and \"Jobgo\" protection insurance licenses shoes. Complete product support,The main products:AN1 protection toe safety shoes, 6KV insulating safety shoes, safety shoes anti-static, anti-piercing I-class, such as safety shoes, protective shoes, oil,High temperature resistant protective shoes,All products have a non-slip, breathable function,Excellent design and reasonable about the production of fine, quality, superior.performance. Produced by our factory labor protection and labor protection supplies shoes tested by the National Center for State based on LD50-94 (anti-hit) / GB16756-97 (oil) / GB12017-89 (anti-puncture) / GB12011-2000 (6KV insulation) / GB4385-95 (anti-static) testing standards,Technical performance have reached the national standard, the seized items in line with the requirements of high-class product. processes, not only to meet the various needs of the poor working environment, but also ideal for executive business. By the petrochemical, mining, smelting, chemical industry, construction, machinery manufacturing, railway, ships and other types of work wear, reflecting the effect of good, well received. Welcome new and old customers to sample processing, mass customized special style, municipalities and distributors are invited to join a total of brilliant plan! We want high-quality products and advanced services, together with the community to create a new modern high-quality security environment.本公司供应耐油防护鞋,品牌久固 锦峰,型号Z2157。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。
久固 锦峰Z2157耐油防护鞋低帮真皮正品透气吸汗防臭鞋
日期:2014-04-26 17:29 点击:563
电话:86 0536 2597690
传真:86 0536 2597190
地址:中国 山东 高密市 嘉源街东首
电话:86 0536 2597690
传真:86 0536 2597190
地址:中国 山东 高密市 嘉源街东首