日期:2014-04-29 09:02  点击:532
本公司供应涤纶缝纫线,品牌双驹,型号40S/2。参数为:类型* 缝纫线。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。业简介:浙江耿基实业有限公司创建于1980年,是一家专门从事各类纱线生产的专业制造商和出口商,并从1997年开始从事自营进出口业务。经过二十几年的发展,已成为世界最大的制线企业之一。企业拥有先进的纺,捻,整系列设备,工艺先进,目前年产各类纱线12000吨,其中涤纶缝纫线10000吨。本企业一贯重视生产管理和产品质量,于1998年通过ISO9002质量体系认证,是中国第一家获得该认证的制线企业,并于2000年通过了ISO9001质量体系认证。公司的主要产品包括:涤纶缝纫线,涤纶绣花线,人造丝绣花线,高强涤纶线,尼龙线,邦迪线,全棉缝纫线,金银线,DTY拷边线等各类纱线。目前产品的90%以上用于出口,已销往世界五十多个国家和地区。产品以其强力高,柔韧滑爽,色泽艳丽,色牢度好,无色差等优异品质深受客户好评。竭诚欢迎海内外新老客户前来恰谈业务,共谋发展。Company introduction:Geng Zhejiang based Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 1980, is a company specializing in all kinds of yarn production of professional manufacturers and exporters, and since 1997 engaged in the import and export business. After more than 20 years of development, has become one of the world's largest enterprise system line.The enterprise has advanced spinning, twisting, whole set equipment, advanced technology, the current annual output of various types of yarn 12000 tons, of which 10000 tons of polyester sewing thread. The company has always attached great importance to production management and product quality, in 1998 through the ISO9002 quality system certification, is China's first to obtain the certification of enterprise system line, and in 2000 passed the ISO9001 quality system certification.The main products of the company include: polyester sewing thread, polyester embroidery thread, rayon embroidery thread, polyester thread, nylon line, Bondi line, cotton sewing thread, gold and silver thread, DTY copy line various kinds of yarns. At present the product more than 90% for export, has been exported to 50 countries and regions in the world. Products for its high strength, flexible smooth, bright color, good color fastness, no color, excellent quality and well received by customers. We sincerely welcome new and old customers at home and abroad to come to talk business, and seek common development.
电话:86 0575 87735877
传真:86 0575 87735877
地址:中国 浙江 诸暨市 诸暨市大唐轻纺袜业城A区141-142号
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