真丝地毯 真丝挂毯
日期:2014-05-01 11:31  点击:933
品牌:真丝地毯 真丝挂毯 古董地毯 皇家地毯
北京丝佳美艺商贸北京商贸有限公司厂家直销店----白孔雀艺术世界地毯,是以传统工艺手工编织的真丝《桑蚕丝》地毯.她有上千种图案,万种风格是选购(有一千多平米的展厅 给您带来可供挑选的足够空间)的天堂聚波斯毯 藏毯毛毯化纤毯 土耳其毯子之精髓设计新颖但不失前卫在具有欧美的风格上写意着浓厚的中国文化底蕴在原有的前卫现代图案的基础上展现着丰富含蕴的古典美 每块图案有着属于她的专属特色的文化色彩故事之情节会是你耐人寻味…是五千年的悠久历史所隐蕴着是五千年的传统文化是五千年的智慧和血汗凝聚而成的. 也是中国真丝手工地毯 工艺挂毯走进世界 融入全球这个大家族。从国外人士的不知到现在的喜爱 在手工丝毯的需求上有很高的欲望。也是北京白孔雀艺术世界地毯走进万户千家,在国内外某名而来的知名商界 政界的购买 家装 酒店 会议厅装饰的应求上不难看出中国手工丝毯的趋势有很大的飙升 北京白孔雀艺术世界地毯的知名度也有相当的提升也就是说:北京白孔雀艺术世界地毯 她代表的是中国 传统工艺手工编织业 代表着真丝地毯silk carpet的宏伟。主要:白孔雀艺术世界地毯是用传统工艺手工编织的纯天然染料染织而成的原料,具有缓解疲劳的环保美化坏境 之功效因此:深受国内外业内人士的喜爱与追捧Fine art Beijing silk trade Beijingcommercial and trade co., LTD., factory-outlet stores - the white peacockcarpet art world, is hand-made by traditional methods of silk \"mulberrysilk carpet. She has thousands of patterns, ten thousand kinds of style is tochoose (more than one thousand square meters of exhibition hall has given youenough space to choose from) heaven gather Persian carpet chemical fibbercarpet Turkey Tibetan carpets blanket blankets the essence of design but do notbreak avant-garde with Europe and the United States on the style of freehandbrushwork in traditional Chinese painting with rich Chinese culture on thebasis of the original avant-garde modern design of classic beauty to show therich line, each have belonged to her exclusive design culture plot of the storywould be interesting you... In five thousand is five thousand, has a longhistory of implicit aggregates on traditional culture is a condensation of thewisdom and sweat in five thousand. China's silk handmade carpet processtapestries into the world into the global the large family. From foreigners donot know to love now on the demand of handmade silk carpet has a high desire.And is carpet into WanHuQianGu Beijing white peacock art in the world, at homeand abroad, one of famous politicians in the business of buying home hotelconference room decoration should be on it's not hard to see the trend ofChinese handmade silk carpet has a lot of white peacock in Beijing art world,the popularity of carpet also have quite a promotion that is to say: Beijingwhite peacock art world carpet she is representative of Chinese traditionalcraft knitwork represents the silk carpet silk carpet grand. Main: the whitepeacock art world carpet is hand-made by traditional methods of natural dyesdyeing of raw materials, can alleviate fatigue of the effect of environmentalbeautification circumstance so: was deeply loved by the industry at home andabroad and sought after
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