日期:2014-05-08 23:27  点击:1012
本公司供应油液气-换热器,品牌拓球牌,型号油*液*气-换热器。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。佛山市顺德区拓球明新空调热泵实业有限公司成立于1989年,位于经济发达区域优势明显的珠三角黄金腹地 广东顺德。公司是集研发、制造、销售、配套服务为一体的节能科技企业。长期致力于水冷空调热泵换热器、高品质环保冷媒的研发、生产、销售。随着全球能源的日趋紧张,公司响应国家提倡节能减排为使命,在2002年率先利用汽车空调平衡流喷淋原理技术开发出新一代壳管式换热器(高效罐),并取得多项国家专利,于业界领先。 主要制造:壳管式高效换热器、泳池温泉热泵换热器、商用工业中央空调换热器、冷水机组换热器、热泵高温专用环保冷媒HR417a、R417a、R410、R407、HFC-134a、R22、R12等。 拓球人以科技为先导,以多所高校、专业技术学会(协会)为研发后盾,不断创新,锐意进取,致力于各种制冷制热节能设备及配套产品的研制。团队依靠雄厚的技术力量、先进的制造工艺、科学的管理体制、性能质量优异的产品、诚信周到的服务赢得广大客户的青睐。Company BriefFoshan Shunde TUOQIUMINGXIN Heat Pump industrial Co., Ltd was established in 1989.Located in Shunde, Guangdong, a city with fast growth in economy and obvious advantage indevelopment in Zhuangjiang River Delta. Our company is a modernized hi-tech company combiningwith research, development, manufacture, sales and service. The company is engaged in thefieid of heat exchanger for cold water air conditioner system s heat pump. High efficiencyrefrigerant s R D, manufacture and sales.With the trend of global energy shortage, thecompany took the Energy-saving technologies as our mission and developed new generation tubetype heat exchanger(most effective filter) by using car air conditioner equilibrium flow asa theory in 2002. This technology has gained a patent in our country and lead the sameproducts.Our main products are: Tube type high efficiency heat exchanger, Heat pump, heat exchangerfor swimming pool and hotspring, Heat exchanger for commercial industrial Central airconditioning, Heat exchanger for water chilling unit, Special purpose high temperaturerefrigerant for heat pump HR417a、R417a、R410、R407、HFC-134a、R22、R12.The company takes science and technology at priority as the core of our development. Basingby research and development from association of science and technology ,many colleages,keeping innovation and aggression, we are researching and developing diffirent kinds ofcooling, heating products for energy saving and matching products's manufacture. We gainedmany customer s favour because of our strong power for technology, advanced manufacturingtechnics, scientific management system, best performance products, honest and considerateservice.
地址:中国广东省佛山市顺德区 中国.广东省佛山市顺德区勒流街道办事处连杜村委会富安工业区(一期)25-2号
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