安装简单,移动方便。 气体流量大,噪音低,效率高。 防静电性能好,手臂采用防静电设计。 三层过滤系统,除尘,除烟,对有害气体有很好的过滤作用。 系统对0.3μm颗粒的过滤效率可达99.997% 。 PWM方式调节流量 。 整机一体化设计,外观整洁大方。 过滤器堵塞声(可选)、光报警。 线控功能(流量调节,开机,待机,工作状态显示,过滤器堵塞报警功能)---选件 线控制器(选件) 线控制器与主机相连放于桌面更方便于操作 系统开/关电源指示 更换过滤器指示灯并提供声音报警(过滤器堵塞发 出声光报警信号) 调整流量旋钮(当所需气体流量大小需要改变时可调 整线控制器上的旋钮来完成) This illustration distinctly shows the importance of using a fume extraction system, even when soldering only once in a while or for just a few hours a day. The captured particles are primarily condensed residues from flux. Without a filter system these particles ill be partly inhaled the operator with the remainder spread over the work object and workplace. In contrast, a proper filter system will eliminate not only the particles, but will also catch and eliminate dangerous gases created in the soldering process. *参数如有变动,恕不另行通知。
日期:2014-05-11 09:14 点击:731