日期:2014-06-14 11:48  点击:657
产品说明: 采用先进导电聚合物技术,提供持久高效的静电耗散功能,可有效消除静电积聚,释放表面静电,减少静电放电引起的功能失效、报废及尘埃积聚,保持洁净、亮丽的外观效果。 性能指标: 表面电阻:105-108欧姆 体积电阻:105-108欧姆 静电衰减:<0.3秒 起电电压:<70伏 固体含量:20 0.5% PH值:8.0-9.0 适用标准: 适用于有静电控制要求的微电子、电信、电子控制、医疗等地面的防静电处理。 符合国家标准及行业标准 SJ/T11159-1998、GB/T14437-97、IEC61340-5-1、SJ/T10694-1996。 使用方法: 除去原有蜡层,洗净晾干,用干净蜡拖将本产品均匀涂抹于地板上,等30-60分钟,待蜡层彻底干透,再涂抹第二层蜡,根据需要可涂3-5层蜡。 喷磨抛光:可用5份水兑1份防静电地板蜡,高速抛光。 定期补蜡:可用1份水兑1份防静电地板蜡,拖涂地面。 注意事项: 使用前详细阅读产品说明: 在通风良好的环境下使用,如不慎溅入眼内,用清水冲洗,如有不适,请到医院检查。勿将用剩的蜡倒回原容器,不用时将容器密封避免儿童接触。0℃以上保存。 Specifications: Conductive polymers using advanced technologies to provide a durable and efficient function of the electrostatic dissipation, which can effectively eliminate static electricity build-up, the release of the surface static electricity, reducing the function caused by electrostatic discharge failure, scrap and dust accumulation, maintaining clean, bright look. Performance: Surface resistance :105-108 ohm volume resistance :105-108 Ohm Static decay: 0.3 seconds from power voltage: 70 V Solid content: 20 0.5% PH value :8.0-9.0 Applicable standards: Static control requirements apply to the microelectronics, telecommunications, electronic control, medical and other ground anti-static treatment. Comply with national standards and industry standards SJ/T11159-1998, GB/T14437-97, IEC61340-5-1, SJ/T10694-1996. Usage: Remove the original wax layer, dry cleaning, wax with a clean drag the product evenly on the floor, so 30-60 minutes until the wax layer completely dry, then smear the second layer of wax as neede water against the anti-static floor wax, coated surface dragd can be coated 3 - 5 layer of wax. Abrasion polishing: 5 parts water can be used against an anti-static floor wax copies, high speed polishing. Regular meeting of wax: Available 1 1 of Notes: Read the product description carefully before use: In a well-ventilated environments, such as accidentally splashed into eyes, the washing with water, if not, go to hospital. Do not use the leftover wax back into the original container, the container sealed when not in use to avoid the reach of children. Save more than 0 ℃.
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