久固 JIUGUL9979保护足趾安全鞋 防砸劳保鞋工作鞋
日期:2014-06-17 11:09  点击:555
品牌:久固 JIUGU
本公司供应保护足趾安全鞋,品牌久固 JIUGU,型号L9979。参数为:鞋底质地:橡胶底,鞋面质地:牛皮,是否系带:是。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。久固牌绝缘安全鞋说明JobGo Brand Insulated Safety Shoes1) 本品按GB12011-2000标准生产,为电工安全防护用品,适应与380V以下的低压电工作业,对酸碱油有一定的防护作用,也可作为其他工种安全防护用品。2) 本产品则穿用过程中,应避免锐器利物,一但刺穿绝缘底或鞋底防滑花纹磨平即不再具有绝缘性能。3) 本产品绝缘性能标准:以1KVIS的速度使电压从零上升到6KV电压值的75%,然后再以100VIS的速度升到6KV应保持1min应精确到0.1mA.产品若不合格公司负责包换4) 穿用绝缘皮鞋时严禁在鞋底钉铁钉,以防绝缘性能下降,穿用一段时间后应做预防性电器绝缘实验以确保安全。1) This Product is manufactured to the standard of GB12011 2000,is applicable for low-voltage electrical operation below 380V,with protective function against acid,alkali and oil.It can also be used for other safety protectron purposes.2) When wearing this product,keep it away from sharp objects.Once a sharp object stabs through insulating sole or the antiskid lines at the sole are worn flat,it loses the performance of insulation.3) Isulating Property Standard:make voltagerysing from zero to the 75% of 6KV at a speed of 1KVIS,and then rising to 6KV at a speed of 100KVIS and maintaining for1mi minute,the precision could be 0.1mA.Replacement is guaranteed if there is ang product found unqualified.4) Try to keep insulated shoes away from sharp objects.Steel nail cannot be inserted into the bottom ,as it may lower the insulating performance of pioduct.After the product.After the product has been used for a period,pereventative electical insulation test should be done to ensure security.久固牌耐油、酸碱安全鞋说明1) 本品按GB12756-97标准生产。2) 本产品适应于石油、化工、煤矿、冶炼、采伐等行业。3) 严禁长时间在水中、潮湿、高温的环境下,只可在弱酸、弱碱中使用,并具有一定的耐油作用JobGo Brand Oil resistant、Acidproof、Bears the alkali Safety Shoes1) This Product is manufactured to the standard of GB12756-97。2) This product adapts in the petroleum, the chemical industry, the coal mine, smelting, cuts and so on the profession3) Strictly prohibits the long time in the water, being moist, under the high temperature environment, only may in the weak acid, Proportion few alkali, center use, and has the certain oil resistant function
电话:86 0536 2597690
传真:86 0536 2597190
地址:中国 山东 高密市 嘉源街东首
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