广益RXLPreheating Boile
日期:2014-06-24 17:58  点击:910
----Application Preheating furnace is widely used for various spinning work piece, pre-filter and the heat preservation for the die head and works of hot-melt plastics extrusion molding equipment of the chemical fiber industry like polyester, nylon and polypropylene and etc. It is also applied to the drying, baking and heat treatment of the scientific research company and laboratories. ----Materials The outer frame of the preheating furnace is manufactured by section steel and steel plate. The furnace bladder is made of heat-resistant stainless steel and plate.High quality of aluminum silicate wool is used between the outer cover plate and the furnace for thermal insulation. Box-type furnaces and horizontal furnaces are equipped with hot air circulation fans according to the request. The heat made by the heating pipe was evenly blow to the furnace through the fans for heating the work piece and form a heat circulation system with comparatively even temperature. Therefore this furnace can also be used as heat preserving furnace. Special specifications, we may design, manufacture, installation,feel free to contact us: Hotline:4007100003 Tel:0515-88666001/88666222/13770000005 Fax:0515-87708001 QQ:7130137 Mail:7130137@qq.com Web:http://www.4007100003.cn http://www.7130137qq.com http://www.13770000005.cn
电话:86 0515 88666001/88666222/86808588
传真:86 0515 87708001
地址:中国 江苏 盐城市盐都区 义丰镇鹏程路68号
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