本公司供应玻璃幕墙螺栓,哈分槽螺栓,T型栓,品牌森宁,型号多种。参数为:类别*各种,材质*235,形状*外六角形,样品或现货现货 ,标准类型多款供选,标准编号0055。质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。 邯郸市森宁紧固件制造有限公司前身是邯郸市金中信紧固件制造有限公司,创建于1988年,厂区位于永年县河北铺工业区,是国内成立较早规模较大的标准紧固件生产企业。我公司是一家集设计、生产、销售、服务为一体的专业企业,公司拥有一批经验丰富高素质的管理团队和技术开发队伍,以及先进的生产设备和完善的检测流程。 公司产品均参照国际标准,采用优质原材料和先进的生产工艺生产,主要产品有:油塞、法兰面螺栓、细扣栓,细扣母,哈芬槽螺栓、心形环、高铁专用螺栓等,同时可以来样来图进行加工各种异型件(冷镦、热镦)等。 经过多年的发展,公司产品深受国内外客户的依赖与支持,并取得了良好的质量信誉,得到了国内外用户的好评。产品广泛用于机械装配、车辆装配、建筑行业、矿山、起重行业、高速铁路以及高速公路等国家重点工程建设项目。并与多家大型企业长期合作,部分产品通过并与大型外贸企业合作。产品销售于国内20多个省,并远销东南亚、澳大利亚以及欧美等国家。 过硬的实力使公司多年来多次荣获‘优秀企业’等称号,本公司已通过ISO9001:2008国际质量管理体系认证。 我公司将以“质量求生存,以服务促发展”的宗旨,不断开拓创新,增加新品种,扩大生产规模,做客户需要的优质产品,做产品配套的一流服务。以严谨的态度、科学的管理方式,以至诚的服务理念、互惠共赢的合作原则与各界人士共谋发展,使企业不断向更高更强迈进。 Senning Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Handan Handan City, formerly known as Jin Zhongxin Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd., founded in 1988, plant Shop is located in Yongnian County, Hebei District, Industrial Zone, is the early establishment of large-scale manufacturing enterprises standard fasteners. Our company is a Set design, production, sales and service as one of professional enterprises, the company has experienced a number of high-quality management team and technical Technical development team, as well as advanced production equipment and improve the detection process. Products with reference to international standards, using high quality raw materials and advanced production technology, the main products: oil plug, France Blue bolts, small buckle bolt, small button Female, Haven slot bolts, heart-shaped ring, dedicated high-speed rail bolts, and can sample plans for Processing of various shaped pieces (cold heading, hot forging) and so on. After years of development, our products are well received by domestic and foreign customers rely on and support, and achieved a good quality reputation, Domestic and foreign users. Products are widely used in mechanical assembly, vehicle assembly, the construction industry, mining, lifting industry, high-speed Key state railway and highway construction projects. And long-term cooperation with a number of large enterprises, some products through and with Large foreign trade enterprises. Product sales in more than 20 provinces and exported to Southeast Asia, Australia and Europe and other countries. Excellent strength of the company many times over the years won the ''''best business'''' and so on, the company has passed ISO9001: 2008 international quality The amount of management system certification. Our company will be quality of survival, service and development purposes, and constantly blaze new trails, adding new varieties to expand production Size, quality products customers need to do, do first-class product support services. Rigorous approach, scientific management, to Sincerity of the service concept, the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation and seek common development with all sectors, so that more enterprises are moving to a highe
日期:2014-06-26 16:04 点击:541
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