日期:2014-07-10 10:32  点击:849
加工定制:是类型:脱硫除尘器林格曼黑度:1级脱硫率:98(%)除尘率:99.99(%)阻力损失:55(Pa)出口含尘浓度:0.1(g/Nm3)使用温度范围:0-100(℃)处理风量:360(m3/h)过滤速度:18(m/min)EWO 系列环保烟雾过滤净化系统专门针对焊锡浸锡沾锡、波峰焊回流炉、激光加工、实验室等各种烟雾、粉尘、微粒、气味的过滤净化。本机特点有吸力大、耗电低、过滤效率高、操作简单、移动灵活等特点,产品已被国内外众多企业所采用。产品特点:●箱式设计,体积小巧,移动灵活,安装简便,占用空间小●进口无刷马达,质量稳,寿命长,吸力更强劲,风量大小可调●三重过滤设计,过滤效率更高,单独更换过滤芯,使用成本更低●多工位设计,吸烟臂360 自由定型●方便配合各种生产线、流水线作业●超静音设计,无噪音污染适用场合:◎烙铁焊锡、锡炉沾锡◎波峰焊、回流炉◎激光焊接、雕刻、打标、切割◎打磨、抛光、印刷◎化学实验室This illustration distinctly shows the importance of using a fume extraction system, even when soldering only once in a while or for just a few hours a day. The captured particles are primarily condensed residues from flux. Without a filter system these particles ill be partly inhaled the operator with the remainder spread over the work object and workplace. In contrast, a proper filter system will eliminate not only the particles, but will also catch and eliminate dangerous gases created in the soldering process.烟尘过滤(净化)原理:用风机将烟雾抽入机箱,通过内置的滤芯进行过滤,主要能够起到过滤粉尘、异味、有毒气体和杀灭部分细菌的作用。滤网又分:集尘滤芯、玻纤滤芯、HEPA滤芯、活性炭滤芯等。其中最关键就是活性炭滤芯,它能起到分解有毒气体和杀菌作用,特别是抑制二次污染。产品的特点是风机功能以及滤芯的质量决定净化效果,机器的放置以及室内布局影响净化是否完全,室内净化效果是否均衡。滤芯需定期更换。烟雾组成成分及危害:通常在焊接烟雾中有95%是焊料及助焊剂在高温下挥发出的微粒,这些微粒飘浮在空气中在一定的光线照射下人眼可以观察到,即我们能够看到的烟雾。而另外有5%是以气体方式散发在空气中,我们的肉眼是看不到的,而这些气体中含有大量的一氧化碳、二氧化碳、甲醇、乙醇、甲烷、甲醛等有害性成分。操作者长时间在以上环境下工作,吸入过量有毒物质,将会引起头痛、恶心、哮喘、慢性支气管炎等症状,严重影响身体健康,同时也影响正常生产。Hazardous smoke and fumes, harmful to your health if inhaled, arepresent in many workplace environments. Operations using lead-freesolder, lasers, solvents, and glues are especially at risk.Overexposure can lead to serious and possibly long term medicalproblems.Health difficulties such as nosebleed, eye irritation, andsore throat are occurring with increasing frequency in the workplace,as are incidences of dermatitis, occupational asthma, and, in somecases, permanent lung damage.购买烟雾净化器与安装大型管道优劣比较:亿沃电子--专注环保,关注健康.TEL: 86(0)186-0769-5075Email:world208@163.comQQ:19223 61016 FAX:0769-85024569更多亿沃EWO 产品:OCCUPATIONAL ASTHMA Occupational Asthma is a disease characterized by variable air flowlimitation and/or airway hyper-responsiveness due to causes andconditions attributable to a particular occupational environment andnot to stimuli encountered outside the workplace. (Bernstein et al1993)Fumes and gases in industrial areas are often dangerous to the peopleworking in those areas. Some of these substances are readily visibleor have a distinct odor; others are invisible and odorless. Many aretoxic and can lead to allergic reactions, sometimes progressing to occupational asthma.Occupational asthma is a major issue in electronics manufacturingbecause when a worker develops occupational asthma, they must beremoved from the working area, sometimes permanently. In somecountries, cases of occupational asthma due to flux fumes and/orisocyanates have already lead to legal claims against employers.Occupational asthma is often indicated by symptoms common to hayfever an itchy, blocked, or runny nose, often accompanied bysneezing and glazed, itchy, or watering eyes.LEAD-FREE SOLDERThe transition to lead-free soldering has reduced strain on theenvironment, but for the operator, the hand soldering process hasbecome more dangerous. The lead in the solder is gone, but to get thesolder wire to flow properly, substantially more flux must be used.The temperature needed to create a good solder joint using lead-freesolder is also higher, causing a stronger reaction within the flux andcreating more solder smoke with a greater number of particles. Lead-free soldering produces up to 250 % more particles between 0.5 and 1.0microns in diameter, the size that is the most dangerous to inhale. Inaddition to particles, solder smoke can contain isocyanates,aldehydes, and other unhealthy substances.Lead-free soldering causes up to 250 % more particles in the breathingzone roughly 20 million particles between 0.3 and 1.0 microns indiameter per cubic foot, or about 700 million particles per cubicmeter.How particles of different size get caught in different parts of thehuman respiratory system:
地址:中国广东省东莞市 注册地址*深圳市龙华新区龙华街道三联社区弓村21栋302
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