日期:2014-07-11 12:12  点击:786
巴氏合金是人所周知的轴承材料,因其呈白色,又称白合金,具有减摩特性的锡基巴氏合金和铅基巴氏合金是唯一适合相对于低硬度轴转动的材料,广泛用于大型船用柴油机、涡轮机、交流发电机,以及其它矿山机械和大型旋转机械等。  巴氏合金按国家标准可以分为锡基合金和铅基合金两种。铅基合金的强度和硬度比锡基合金低,耐蚀性也差,所以客户在使用巴氏合金的时候,通常选用锡基巴氏合金,其常用的牌号有11-6【适用于高速蒸汽机和大马力的涡轮机、压缩机、透平泵和快速内燃机、球磨机、及选矿设备轴承。】8-4、【适用于浇注内燃机的高速轴承】4-4【适用于涡轮机、内燃机、高速度轴承轴衬】8-8【适用于大型机械轴承及轴衬】等。铅基轴承合金的硬度、强度和韧性比锡基轴承合金低,尽管铅基合金的性能没有锡基合金好,但是有许多客户仍然选择使用,因为它使用起来比较经济,其常用的牌号有ZChPbSb16-16-2、ZChPbSb1-16-1、ZChPbSb10-6等【适用于中等负荷、轻负荷低速机械轴衬】等。  周口环宇金属科技有限公司诚信经营,以质为本,经多道检测工序生产出来的锡基、铅基巴氏合金,均符合国家标准。产品经许多厂家使用后,反映良好,并远销全国各省市。欢迎新老客户来电来函洽谈业务!公司本着——“诚交各路友、共赢天下商”的经营发展理念,愿与各界商友开展合作,共谋发展大计。中国巴氏合金专业供应商! 环宇科技竭诚为您服务!!!联系电话: 0394-5739107 传 真: 0394-5739107联 系 QQ: 610636711 移动电话: 13608619118电子邮箱: huanyukeji@163.com邮政编码: 466000公司主页:http://www.huny.cn http://www.hyjskj.com联系人:张保仁 经理联系地址: 中国.周口市经济技术开发区环宇路1号  Babbitt bearing materials,known for its white, also known as white alloy, with the less Mott of Xiji Ba'salloy and lead Chiba's alloy is only suitable with respect to the axis ofrotation of the low hardness material, widelyfor large marine diesel engines,turbines, alternators, and other mining machinery and large rotating machinery.  Babbitt according tonational standards can be divided into two kinds of tin-based alloys andlead-based alloys. The strength and hardness of lead-based alloys is lower thanthe tin-based alloys, corrosion resistance is also poor, so customers babbitt,usually the choice of of Xiji Ba's alloy, commonly used grades are 11-6 [forhigh-speed steam engine and high-powered turbine, compressor, turbine pumps andfast internal combustion engine, ball mill, and mineral processing equipmentbearings. ] 8-4, [for pouring internal combustion engine, high-speed bearings]4-4 apply to turbines, internal combustion engine, high speed bearing bushings]8-8 [suitable for large-scale machinery bearings and bushings]. Lead-basedbearing alloy hardness, strength and toughness than the tin-based bearingalloy, lead-based alloys tin-based alloys, but many customers still choose touse the more economical because it uses up their usual grades ZChPbSb16 -16-2,ZChPbSb1-16-1, ZChPbSb10-6, etc. [suitablefor medium load and light load low speed mechanical bushing].  Zhoukou Universal MetalTechnology Co., Ltd., integrity management, quality-oriented, multi-channeldetection process produced tin-based, leadChiba's alloy, are in line with nationalstandards. Products used by many manufacturers of the good, and exported tovarious provinces and cities nationwide. Welcome to the new and old customersletter calls business negotiations!  Spirit - pay sincereFriends of the brightest, win-win world supplier of business developmentconcept, the company is willing to work with the Friends of cooperation, seekcommon development plan.
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