美国(TIMI)天迈轴承,属佛山市中全精密配件有限公司的一大品牌。天迈轴承一直致力于国防重型设备的应用.率先将全球领先技术融入轴承中。产品包含:深沟球轴承、角接触球轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、调心球轴承、调心滚子轴承、圆锥滚子轴承、推力轴承等..... 目前公司已经同国内外一百多个国家和地区的机械制造商和经销商建立了良好的贸易合作关系.公司 拥有先进的数控磨加工生产线,加工质量稳定, 精度高, 拥有先进精密圆度仪,轮廓仪,粗糙度仪等检测仪器,完善的过程控制手段,从而保证了产品的高精度;CAD计算机辅助设计系统,产品质量档次不断提高 公司拥有完善的检测设备和实验能力,拥有美国先进的精测仪器和先进轴承和轮毂单元检验中心。我们为 采购商不仅仅是供产品,更重要的是用我们的专业与优质的服务让其在中国采购到最能满足自己的质量要 求、最具竞争力价格的产品.为自己的产品提高知名度。公司严格执行ISO/TS16949质量管理体系标准,不 断创新,持续改进;公司拥有先进的产品设计和研发能力,为客户提供持续优质的轴承专业技术支持和服务. 以信誉求发展,以市场为导向,以品质求生存是我们一贯的服务宗旨,与客户真诚合作.互利共赢是 我们的目标。在(TIMI)天迈轴承这里,你的任何咨询将得到我们足够的重视,我们将以更专业、更热情的服务与您携手共进! (TIMI) days step bearing The United States of America (TIMI) days step bearing, a brand of Foshan City wide precision parts Co., Ltd. sales. Days step bearing has been committed to the defense Application of heavy equipment. The first will be the world's leading technology into the bearing. Products include: deep groove ball bearings, angular contact ball bearings, cylindrical roller Bearing, self-aligning ball bearings, spherical roller bearing, tapered roller bearing, thrust bearing..... At present the company has with the domestic more than 100 countries and regions of the machinery manufacturers and dealers to establish a good trade relations of cooperation. Have advanced CNC grinding processing production line, the processing quality is stable, high precision, with advanced precision roundness instrument, instrument, roughness instrument detection equipment, improve the means of process control, so as to ensure the high precision products; CAD computer aided design system, product quality improvement The company has perfect testing equipment and experimental ability, has the United States advanced precision measuring instrument and advanced bearing and hub unit inspection center. We are The purchaser is for products not only, more important is to use our expertise and quality services to its procurement in China to best meet their quality For, the most competitive price products. Their products enhance visibility. Companies strictly enforce the ISO/TS16949 quality management system standards, not Continuous innovation, continuous improvement; the company has advanced product design and R D, continued to provide high quality bearing professional technical support and service for the customers. To the credibility of development, take the market as the guidance, to the quality of survival is our consistent principle of service, sincere cooperation with customers, mutual benefit and win-win is Our goal. In (TIMI) days step bearing here, any advice you will get enough attention of us, we will be more professional, more enthusiastic service with you hand in hand!
TIMI626-2RS 轴承批发
日期:2014-07-14 17:01 点击:673