日期:2014-07-21 15:47  点击:548
产品类别:首饰盒材质:合金风格:手绘硬度:硬图案:纯色规格:多种适用送礼场合:婚庆、员工福利、旅游纪念、其他加工定制:是我司主营金属类礼品,赠品,有化妆镜,粉盒,挂包钩,便签薄,钥匙扣,名片盒,唇膏盒,合金首饰盒,药盒,美容修护套装用品,鞋花,等各种五金配件,其材料均采用铜、不锈钢、铁、铝以及合金材料,再经过数十道工序加工而成,客户均可根据需要选择不同的材料。其产品款式时尚新颖,高贵,物美价廉,适用于各行各业作为礼品赠送。同时,我司自主研发生产,新老客户均可来样定做,我们亦能为您提供专属设计生产礼品、赠品。公司英文简介:GUANGZHOU LEADSO METAL PRODUCT is committed to manufacturing high-quality, new design and practical gifts and selling to our customers all over the world. Our major products are metal mirror, metal compact, jewelry boxes, name card cases, lip cases, metal keychains, leather keychains, pill cases, purse hangers, medals and coins of tin material, luggage tags, table mirror sport souvenirs, business gift sets and other metal gifts.Our team lay great stress to the selection of products material, we have integrated production process in design, development and production. Novelty, practicality, steady quality, on-time delivery are always requested in our daily work since we keep offering the best services to our customer. We are always looking over from the recent market for collecting customer’s feedback on products, in order to improve our products on service. We also can customize or to OEM production in accordance with the special needs of our customers. We have an experienced professional design team to tailor-made for customers in a fast and efficient way, provide intimate, professional gift promotion program for customer and offer a better interpretation of the brand to meet customer’s long-term brand building demand, well combined in harmony with the gifts, products, and corporation of the brand to meet customer’s long-term brand building demand, well combined in harmony with the gifts, products, and corporation image.为了对我们的客户提供更好的服务和价格,2000年,在广东东莞建立了自己的工厂;2002年,在广州成立了销售公司——广州力索,增强了跟单,QC服务,快的沟通和递送安排的能力,实行产销分离的经营模式,以更快,更专注的服务态度面向客人。目前,我们已有面积达2,000个平方米的生产车间和150多名经验丰富的生产工人,我们的生产制造能力现在已经达到每个月150000只。 我们专业生产的金属工艺产品是企业,公司礼品赠送,促销和市场零售最好的选择,我们的产品主要包括化妆镜系列、名片盒系列、珠宝盒系列、金属粉盒系列、满钻精品系列,药盒系列,铝制产品系列等。为满足不断变化的市场需求,我们销售队伍一直致力于发展我们的服务,同时我们的生产队伍也在努力提高产品质量并降低产品价格,我们的设计人员在不断推出自己的新产品。另外,我们还为客户生产客户自己设计或得到许可的专利产品。请您浏览一下我们的网站、关注一下我们的产品,并与我们联系,为我们提出您宝贵的意见和建议!为您提供更好的产品和服务是我们最大的愿望!
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