====设计风格====点、线、面结合的产品设计、配合丰富多样的色彩元素,突显出设计的精髓,配合上光彩夺目的珠宝首饰,显得是那么的尊贵、华丽!注意:不同款式不同价格,记得咨询客服!★①铁艺家具是存手工制作的喔,都是新鲜出厂的,绝对没有任何生锈、残缺之类的毛病喔,偶尔会有的掉漆之类的细微瑕疵是因为运送路途遥远,有碰撞的缘故(但不仔细看是看不清楚的,绝对不影响美观的哦,介意的话可以点上修正液或者指甲油修复下的),但是挑剔的淘友们还是要谨慎购买哈^-^!★②毕竟是纯手工制作,偶尔会有轻微的重心倾斜或者站立不稳的现象,但不怎么明显的,这不是质量原因喔~★③收货时请务必在快递员面前开箱检查,如果有什么问题请在签收单上注明,以免快递公司推卸责任,如果已经造成无法挽回的损坏,例如少量铁丝断裂,可以点上502修复,再涂抹修正液或者指甲油填补缺陷^-^★④因个人显示器不同,所看到颜色也都不同,与现实必然存在一定的色差,但保证是实物拍摄的喔~(这个并不作为退货的理由的,MM们应该要考虑清楚喔)The goods are sold in a price, declined to bargain,Occasionally there will be a shortage of goods because of the situation, please buyers in the purchase of goods and dispensers before the first contact determine whether goods1. Need to return if quality problems, within 24 hours contact us return, as we verify, the returns generated by the fees from our commitment to color reasons, and imagine different, and other non- quality reasons fall issue of product quality, the expense for such reasons we do not accept returns, please understanding.2. Total consumption reached 200 yuan more friends will receive Sell a Senior Member Card can click on My membership cards, View and enjoy 9.5% discount, beautifully presented a small gift, the total consumption reached 500 yuan over friends will be given to Sell VIP member of a enjoy 9% discount for access to attractive prizes and a gift, enjoy Sell VIP Member services;3. Virtual network transactions need is mutual trust, as a result of the transaction process and the reasons for the logistics company failed to lead to your receipt of the goods on time, we wish to express my sincere apologies, but also request your understanding, we will to help you resolve as quickly as possible, we believe that as long as the communication to understand each other, anything can be solved4. Result of shooting by the weather, light and so on, may be in kind - with some color photographs, such issues do not belong product quality problems, will not be acceptable returns, please consider carefully before buying, then determine whether to buy5. Please check carefully before items signed for integrity and check the number of items, after receipt dispensers not assume any responsibility for the spot in case of any problems please contact us, post offices parcel receipt may be required only after unpacking, please receipt in the spot after the inspection, such as contact us spot problems and a written confirmation to the post officeps■ 小店所有宝贝都是以最低实价销售■本店不接待超级挑剔~拼命还价店顾客!但热情服务绝对会奉献给善良的天使MM们!■本店不开展包邮活动★但会经常举办各种明折明扣的活动★,敬请各位亲们关注。其他信息本公司专业生产饰品展示架,设计头饰、项链、耳钉/耳环、鼻钉/唇钉/肚脐钉、戒指、手表/手链、毛衣链,携带软包,柜台托盘,珠宝袋等等齐全的展示道具,材质包含:奢侈皮革/绒布,特质高档纸,进口电镀,精雕雕塑树脂/石膏等系列,全方位完美展示饰品的高档、动感,给生活添加美的节奏!公司秉承开拓创新的理念,为您的生活提供时尚、大方、现代风格的精华产品,吸引您的目光追逐,开来展示架 不单纯是一种产品,还是一种设计、一种文化、一种服务。我们真诚的希望能与您有合作机会,并能尽快开展合作,若您有任何疑问和需要,欢迎登陆我司网站,来电、来函、或者亲自莅临我司参观指导。QQ:790547335 PH;15067051787QQ:1945670741PH;0579-85391397
展示器材 美人模 摆放饰品
日期:2014-08-06 16:33 点击:859
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地址:中国 浙江 义乌市 义乌市国际商贸城一期 E 区二楼 5994 店
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传真:86 0579 85423330
地址:中国 浙江 义乌市 义乌市国际商贸城一期 E 区二楼 5994 店