真空插板阀 Manual Ultra-high Vacuum Gate Valve
手动真空插板阀是以手柄带动阀板作上下运动使阀板开启或关闭。真空阀门用于接通或切断真空管路中的气流。真空插板阀适用介质为纯净空气和非腐蚀性气体。 永嘉县科本真空阀门厂是中国泵阀产业集群“中国泵阀之乡—温州瓯北”里专业从事真空阀门研制开发、制造生产、销售服务为一体的专业真空阀门厂。电话:0577-67318321
真空插板阀主要技术性能 Main Technical Performance
适用范围:Applicability | 105~1.3×10-7Pa |
阀门漏率:Valve Leak Rate | ≤1.3×10-7Pa.L/S. |
适用温度:Applicable Temperature | -30~+150℃ |
阀门开启时阀板两侧的压差: The differential pressure between the two sides of valve disc upon valve opening: |
≤2.7×103Pa. |
真空插板阀主要零件材料 Materials of Main Parts
阀体、阀板:不锈钢 Body, and disc: stainless steel
密封件:氟橡胶、波纹管(轴封)、丁腈橡胶。Sealing element: Viton, bellows(shaft seal), NBR