日期:2014-08-16 13:27  点击:855
类别竹简采用优质南竹,精制而成.适用于雕刻各种仿古书籍 公司简介 临湘市羊楼司蓝峰竹制业制品厂地处湘鄂边陲的湘北重镇、千年古镇、文化名镇--湖南省临湘市羊楼司镇。  境内有京广铁路、107国道和京珠高速公路三条国家运输大动脉穿腹而过,交通十分便捷,通讯网络设施齐全。该镇历年来盛产竹、木,在中国乃至海内外享有竹、木之乡盛名。约有50万亩竹林、80万亩树林,盛产楠竹、斑竹、日月竹、罗汉竹、毛竹等40余个竹类品种个松木、侏、桐木、枫木、杉木并且加上土壤湿润、气候条件适宜、日照充足,所产竹、木质料优良。1998年该镇被中华人民共和国国务院发展研究中心农村发展研究所、中国农学会特产经济专业委员会、中国特产报社联合授予“中国竹器之乡”的美誉。 临湘市羊楼司蓝峰竹业制品厂创立于1994年,现有员工200-300人,其中高级雕工、编织工12人、中高级木制品技术人员6人,其他技术人员48人等,拥有极其先进的生产技术和一流的激光雕刻机、锅炉、炭化炉、烘干机、竹条拼压板机、异形压机、圆木棒成形机、抛光打磨机、全自动喷漆机等设备。工厂土地面积25亩,厂房、仓库、办公楼、职工宿舍共使用面积8000平方米,土地、机器设备、仓库、办公楼、职工宿舍等固定资产3000万元人民币。该厂立足本地资源和优越的投资环境,在稳定国内市场的同时,不断开拓国际市场。本着不断招贤纳才的用人宗旨,不断强化专业技术人才的培训并致力于产品开发和创新。几年来,该厂共开发竹雕、竹编、竹席、竹椅、竹床、木椅、木门、木床、木棒九个系列产品378种,有的品种荣获省科技兴农优秀奖。特别是电脑激光雕刻的仿古竹简更具有较高的科技含量个艺术特色,能真切的再现古人的思想和睿智,因此极具欣赏和珍藏价值,市场前景十分广阔。  本厂本着“以质量求生存““以价格争取市场““以诚为本,以誉为荣“的企业经营理念,以开拓创新、荣辱与共的企业团队精神真诚为广大客商服务。产品目前畅销全国和东南亚地区。联系方式电话:18273059666李先生 18928482111李先生热忱欢迎社会各界同仁、有识之士交流竹艺经验,共创竹业辉煌。Blue Peak Bamboo Products Factory, Linxiang Yanglousi, is located near by Hunan and Hubei provinces’ boundary. Yanglousi is a millennial,important cultural town in Hubei and Hunan provinces.There are beijing-guangzhou railway, 107 national highway and beijing-zhuhai expressway three national transportations through the abdominal aorta in China. The traffic and communication network facilities are very convenient. The town is rich in bamboo, wood over the years, and even in China enjoys the hometown of bamboo, wood reputation at home and abroad. There are about 500000 mu forests of bamboo, which contains nanzhu, spot bamboo, bamboo, Luo Han bamboo and so on more than 40 varieties of bamboo. Yanglousi is a suitable place to feed bamboos because of moist soil, lots of sunshine. In 1998 the town was under the state council development research center of the People's Republic of China rural development research institute, Chinese society specialty professional committee, China's economic specialty paper jointly awarded the \"Chinese bamboo township\" reputation.Blue Peak Bamboo Products Factory, Linxiang Yanglousi, is founded in 1994, existing staff 87 people, including senior carve, weaver 12 people, senior wood products technical staff 6 people, other technical personnel 48 people, which has extremely advanced production technology and first-class equipments. We based on local resources and favorable investment environment, within the stable domestic market, while continuing to develop the international market. Spirit of continuous employment purposes recruitment, continually train professional technical employs and focus on innovate new production. Within few years we created \"bamboo sculpture\" \"bamboo wicker\" \"bamboo matting\" \"bamboo chair\" \"bamboo bed\" total 5 series and 378 kinds of productions, some of our production award the Hunan province promotes agriculture by technology excellence awards. Especially the imitate antique bamboo carved by electronic laser is full of technology and art special, this production is very valued of view and collection has very wild and positive market.Any Details, Please Contact Mr Li, 86-182-7305-9666; Mr Li, 86-189-2849-2111
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