日期:2014-08-21 16:37  点击:728
家具制造机械种类:覆面机是否进口:否工作形式:手动产品类型:全新电机功率:1.1(kw)外形尺寸:6200*1500*1400(mm)最大加工长度:2500(mm)最大加工厚度:80(mm)最大加工宽度:1300(mm)重量:1200(kg)送料速度:1min/pcs适用范围:主要用于吸塑免漆门,橱柜板,复合门等表面吸塑PVC或者木皮HSHM2500YM-M1 供应真空吸塑机,鸿森豪迈PVC吸塑机、实木皮吸塑机、覆膜机真空吸塑压膜机覆膜机主要特征:1:用途广泛可,适用材料:木皮,热转印纸,PVC膜等。2: 加热系统使用特殊材料使加热更快更均匀。3:两个工作台面工作时可循环利用,工作效率比单机提高至少一赔,并大量节约成本。4:操作单一,电路附带报警系统,新手也可以快速上手操作,将技术难度降至最低售后服务:上门安装调试(国外设备提供技术服务,但不承担费用),免费维修一年(易损件自费),终生维护,国内客户在需要服务时,两天内一定到达客户公司。我们有自己专业生产木业的公司,可对产品工艺不了解的客户进行培训,包你设备买到家,就可以做出成品,无需再为做不出东西而犯愁。可根据客户需求定做设备,可根据客户需求定做设备。项目HSHM2500YM-M1工作台尺寸极限真空度实际耗电量总功率外形尺寸总重量2360 1120 60mm 2-0.1MPa5kw14.5kw6200 1500 1400mm1200kg 青岛徐氏伟业一家以木工机械以及室内装饰材料的研发、生产、销售、安装、服务、贸易为一体的集团化公司。公司自成立以来在开发环保经济型木业机械方面取得巨大成绩。由公司技术部自主研发的室内门、板式家具系列设备自投放市场以来,凭借着精湛的技术、精益求精的理念、完善的服务受到了广大用户的认可。公司产品不仅在国内市场畅销,并且远销世界几十个国家和地区。 企业是一个国家社会经济文明发展的象征,更是一个名族经济腾飞崛起的一部分。为了实现科工贸一体全面发展的战略目标,公司于二零零八年在经济发达的广州佛山建立对外贸易有限公司,同时自中国西北的经济门户陕西西安建立科技发展有限公司,品牌统一为鸿森豪迈。 在高科技迅速发展的今天,各种原材料日益稀少,生态环境被不断的破坏,节约资源将成为全人类最大的使命。装饰材料对原木需求量的巨大和油漆对生活环境所造成的污染,是二十一世界森林资源和人类健康的最大威胁,开发和生产环保型装饰材料将成为一项造福子孙后代的事业。为了减少森林资源的浪费,为了全人类的健康,为了我们的地球更加美丽,鸿森豪迈和你们一起努力创造绿色家园环保先锋。 Qingdao XuShiWeiYe Woodworking Machine Co. LTD with brand name Hongsenhaomai is a corporationofmaking woodworking machine and interiordecorativematerials. It specializes in the research and development, production, sales, installation, service,trade of the machine and materialsas a whole. We made a huge progress in the aspect of developing environmental and economical woodworking machine.Company s technical department has independently developed devices of the interior doors, panel furniture seriesand our company has received much user community s approval with the exquisite technology, the concept of excellence and the high quality of services. Our products are not only sold well throughout china but also in foreign market including more than ten countries and states.Enterprise is a symbol of the development of national social-economic civilization, but also a part of the rising of a nation s economy, In order to achieve the strategic objectives integration of trade, industry and comprehensive development of, our company established a subsidiary named Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., in Foshan, Guangdong where the economy was highly developed in 2008, while in northwest China s economic gateway- -Xi an, Shanxi, we set up the Technology Development Co., Ltd., with unified brand---hongsenhaomai. Nowadays, with the rapid development of high technology, several kinds of raw materials have been becoming more and scarcer, and the ecological environment is constantly destroyed. Saving resources will be the largest mission of all mankind. The pollution caused by the huge demand of decorative material for wood and paint on the living environment, makes it the greatest threat to human health and forest resources in the twenty-first century. The development and production of environment -friendly decorative materials will be a great project for the benefit of future generations. In order to reduce wastage of forest resources and for the health of all mankind, Qingdao XuShiWeiYe Woodworking Machine Co. LTD will work together with you to create our own green homes as a pioneer in the environmental-friendly projection to make our planet more beautiful.
电话:86 0532 83570008
传真:86 0532 83536009
地址:中国 山东 即墨市 即墨市北安街道办事处卢家庄工业园即刘路168号
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