批发高阶魔方五阶5阶 圣手专业磨砂竞速魔方 已润滑送教程
日期:2014-08-27 12:09  点击:917
材质:ABS产地:澄海产品类别:五阶魔方货号:YX1312规格:6.4*6.4*6.4CM是否多功能:否是否能够DIY:否适用年龄:3-7岁,7-10岁,10-14岁,14-18岁,18岁以上包装方式:彩盒加工定制:是加工方式:LOGO贴牌是否外贸:是外贸类型:出口是否支持一件代发:支持我厂专业生产塑料玩具,可印刷LOGO,产品多种颜色,欢迎海内外客人洽谈定购,是广泛用于各种活动的好礼品,包装有双吸塑,插卡,OPP,纸盒可定制,可按客户要求生产,.品质保证,交货准时,欢迎洽谈订购。联系电话0754-85722773/813 13825859960联系人:朱小姐QQ:754804297或995473997阿里旺旺:yx9960a裕鑫塑胶制品厂,是一家集开发、生产、销售于一体的专业型工艺玩具企业,公司位于有中国玩具礼品城之美称的澄海,地处外埔工业区,交通便利,环境优雅。是一家颇具规模,设备先进的外向型企业,拥有一批基础扎实,素质较高的生产工人和专业设计技术人员。Yuxin plastic toys factoryis located in the chenghai city,Is a set ofdevelopment, produce and sale of toys factory.it with the good traffic and elegant environment. Our factory with the big showroom and advanced machine.we own the high quality worker and designer .本厂拥有生产场地约6000平方米.自建厂以来承蒙广大客户的支持,在公司领导的努力开拓下,不断发展扩大,每年都有不少创新产品推出,产品远销国外,深得广大客户的青睐和信赖。我们始终坚持以诚取信,以质取胜,以创新发展的管理理念;坚持以人为本,以质为先,顾客满意,持续改进的质量方针.The factory With about 6,000 square meters of production space. Thanks our client s support and our CEO .our factory can develop quickly.each year have new products to take part in the market and they are popular in the market. We insist on quality first ,credit first, customer satisfaction ,continuous improvement of the quality guidelines.热烈欢迎国内,外新老客户光临惠顾,选择您感兴趣的产品,并发送你的查询。我们珍视每个客户的来讯。welcome domestic and foreign client visit our website or our showroom ,select our products and send your inquiry to us , We value each customer s inquiry.我们坚信,最可靠的质量,最有竞争力的价格,最务实的作风,将使我们,成为你最可依赖的商务合作伙伴。We firmly believe that the most reliable quality and the most competitive prices, the most pragmatic style will be let us become the most dependent on your business partners.裕鑫塑胶制品代理的各类玩具产品有250000多种,是我们的资源也是您的资源。我们以厂家产品最低价格报价给您,所有厂家产品价格透明化,客户可直接接触所有厂家,为您代理下单、查货、报关、货运等出口手续。we have Agent more than 250000 various types toy products.it is our resources also are your resources. Our offer you the lowest price( manufacturers price) to help you win the market.we can help you to agent the transparency,clean customs and so on .客户的满意.是我们最大的追求!!Customer satisfaction. Our biggest pursuit!
电话:86-0754-85833557 134…
地址:中国广东省汕头市澄海区 中国.广东省.汕头市.澄海市中国.广东省.汕头市.澄海区
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