日期:2014-08-30 14:43  点击:995
被漆功率瓷管电阻器 Coated High Power Ceramic Tube Resistors HR series ■过负荷能力强,热稳定性好,使用寿命长Good overload and heat-durability capacity,the use life islonger then the others.■表面涂漆为绿色不然性面漆The resistors surface is coated ingreen. ■电器性能、机械性能Electricaland mechanical characteristics特性 Characteristics 规格值 Standards 测试方法 Test methods 阻值及阻值误差 Resistance and Resistance tolerance 阻值允许误差 Resistance tolerance ±5% (J) 阻值将根据如下表格中所施加的电压值后进行测量。Resistance shall be measured using the applied voltage values of the following table. Nominal resistance range 公称阻值范围(Ω) Maximum applied voltage 印加电压(最高值)(V) R 1 0.1 100K≤R 30M 30 温度系数 Temperature coefficient ±300ppm 在常温及常温 100℃时分别测量电阻并计算每度的阻值变化率。Test the resistance value at normal temperature and normal temperature added 100℃,calculate per℃ resistance value change rate . 额定功率 Power rating load △R/R≦± (1%+0.05Ω) 表面温升(temperature) 350℃ Max. 在受试电阻上加30分钟的额定电压the power rating is applied to the resistor kept horizontally for 30 min. 短时间过负荷 Short-time overload △R/R≦± (2% 0.05Ω) 10倍额定电压测试5秒。At 10× rated voltage for 5 seconds. 绝缘阻值 Insulation resistance ≥100MΩ DC500V 绝缘电压 Dielectric withstanding voltage 无火花、烧损或绝缘破坏等异常现象。 Without damage by flash-over, fire. or breakdown, etc. ≥AC2000V,60秒(sec.) 端子强度 Terminal strength 无机械损伤 no evidence of mechanical damage 张力(Pull):196N , 30± 5 秒seconds 电阻体强度 Resistor strength 无机械损伤 no evidence of mechanical damage 294N,30± 5秒seconds ■耐候性Environmentalcharactaristics特性 Characteristics 规格值 Standards 测试方法 Test methods 耐热性 Heat resistance △R/R≦± (1% 0.05Ω) 在375±10℃锡炉中浸2~3秒 Immerge into 375±10℃ tin stove for 2~3 seconds. 热冲击 Thermal shock △R/R≦± (2% 0.05Ω) -55℃/30分钟(min.)→ 25℃/15分钟(min.)→ 125℃/30分钟(min.)→ 2515分钟(min. 共5个循环 total 5 cycles. 耐温负荷寿命 Power rating load △R/R≦± (5% 0.05Ω) 在温度为40±2℃,相对湿度为90~95%的恒温恒湿箱中,施加额定电压或最大工作电压(取较小者)共1000小时(通1.5小时,断0.5小时)。Overload rated voltage or Max.working voltage (get the lower) for 1000 hours (1.5 hours on and half-hour off ) at the 40±2℃ and 90~95% relative humidity. 耐温负荷寿命 Load life in heat △R/R≦± (5% 0.05Ω) 在70±2℃恒温恒湿箱中施加额定电压或最大工作电压(取较小者)1000小时(通1.5小时,断0.5小时)。Overload rated voltage or Max.working voltage (get the lower ) for 1000 hours (1.5 hours on and half-hour off) at the 70±2℃. ■规格Standards ●形状·尺寸Configuration(mm) 备注Note:具体规格尺寸可以根据客户的需求制作,同时也可以制作一管多个阻值,也可按客户要求取消固定支架。We can according to customer’s requirement to customize the specification and dimension, also can produce multiple resistance values of one ceramic tube or cancel the fixed plank.
电话:86-0755-27596100 158…
地址:中国广东省深圳市宝安区 中国广东省深圳市宝安区20区宝雅花园B4-510
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