高档合膜拉链袋 服装包装袋 阴阳袋 汕头实地认证
日期:2014-11-10 09:33  点击:632
【公司简介】 二十年如一品质,专业定制塑料包装 汕头市亿达薄膜工艺厂(下简称“亿达”)是一家集设计、生产、加工于一身的专业包装产品制造现代型企业。主营包括无纺布、淋复膜、复合膜、可降解PEVA、OPP、PO、PE、CPP、PP等材质在内的各式拉链袋、贴骨袋、复合袋、束口袋、无纺布袋、快递袋、手弓袋、背心袋、自粘袋、卡头袋、平口袋、冲孔袋、空白袋。产品适用领域广泛覆盖服装、电子产品、礼品及食品包装及各大中商场购物袋。 亿达成立于1996年,经过近20年的发展,现已拥有设计-吹膜-印刷-切工-包装-物流的一体化生产线,并形成完整、科学的内部质量管理体系。 亿达始终秉持“科技为先导,质量求生存,品种求发展,信誉求市场,管理求效益”的品牌原则,凭借多年的诚信经营、资金实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。在充分引进先进技术的基础上,不断提高产品质量性能,以满足客户之需求,并根据产品特点进行研发,提供更优的制造方案。 亿达——用诚信赢得信誉,用质量打造品牌。欢迎各界朋友莅临洽谈,亿达将竭诚为您服务。 The same high quality for 20 years Professional custom plastic packaging Shantou Yida thin film Craft Factory (Call\"YIDA\"for short) is a set design, production,processing in one,also is the professional packaging,products manufacturing of modern enterprises,The main products include non-woven fabric ,drench film,composite film,degradable PEVA,OPP,PO,PE,CPP,PP and other materials,all kinds of zipper bags,bone bags,composite bags, stickers pockets,non-woven bags,express bags,hand bow bags,vest bags,self-adhesive bags,card head bags,flat pockets,punching bags,blank bags.The product has wide application field covering clothing,electronic products,gifts and food packaging and all kinds of shopping bags. YIDA was founded in 1996,after nearly 20 years of development,integrated production line now has design -blowing-printing-cut packaging logistics,and form a complete system,scientific internal quality management.YIDA always uphold the principle of \"science and technology as the guide,quality of survival,species and development, the credibility of the market,brand management for efficiency\"by virtue of the good faith management,the financial strength and quality of products recognized by the industry.Based on the introduction of advanced technology,continuously improve product quality to meet customer demand,and R D according to the product characteristics,so we can provide better. YIDA-win credibility with integrity,build brand with quality.YIDA warmly welcome everyone to visit our company and make business with us.We will serve for you all sincerity!
地址:中国广东省汕头市潮南区 中国 广东 汕头市两英镇墙老工业区
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