ALLOY 7075进口美国铝棒(实物实图拍照,盗用必究)
Introduced by Alcoa in 1943, alloy 7075 has been the standard workhorse 7XXX series alloy within the aerospace industry ever since.
It was the first successful Al-Zn-Mg-Cu high strength alloy using the beneficial effects of the alloying addition of chromium to develop
good stress-corrosion cracking resistance in sheet products. Although other 7XXX alloys have since been developed with improved
specificproperties, alloy 7075 remains the baseline with a good balance of properties required for aerospace applications.
Alloy 7075 is available in bare and alclad sheet and plate product forms in the annealed state as well as several tempers
of the T6, T73 and T76 types.
Alloy 7075 sheet and plate products have application throughout aircraft and aerospace structures where a combination of high strength with moderate toughness
and corrosion resistance are required.
Typical applications are alclad skin sheet, structural plate components up to 4 inches in thickness and general aluminum
aerospace applications.
Note: Value maximum if range not shown.
ALLOY 7075铝棒及铝板产品使用案例(请查看下面订单流程)
锌是7075中主要合金元素,向含3%-7.5% 锌的合金中添加镁,可形成强化效果显著的MgZn2,使该合金的热处理效果远远胜过铝-锌二元合金。提高合金中的锌,镁含量,抗拉强度会得到进一步的提高,但其抗应力腐蚀和抗剥落腐蚀的能力会随之下降。经受热处理,能到达非常高的强度特性。7075 材料一般都加入少量铜,铬等合金,该系当中以7075-T651 铝合金尤为上品,被誉为铝合金中最优良的产品,强度高,远胜任何软钢。并且此合金具有良好机械性及阳极反应。代表用途有航空航天,模具加工,机械设备,工装夹具,特别用于制造飞机结构及其他要求强度高,抗腐蚀性能强的高应力结构体。