最大操作溫度(Operating temperature , max 0 C) 120
操作pH 范围(Operating pH range ) 0 – 14
最小树脂床高度(Bed depth , mini mm) 800
最大(Service flow rate ,Maxi ) 120 m3/hr/ m3
逆洗水量(Backwash flow rate) 9 to 25 m3/hr/ m3
逆洗浮動空間(Back wash expansion) 40 to 75%
再生药剂(Regenerant ) HCl, H2SO4 for H+ form,
再生药剂用量(Regeneration levels. ) 30 to 120 gms HCl/ lit.
40 to 250 gms H2SO4/ lit.
再生药剂浓度(Regeneration concentration) 3 - 5% HCl, 1.5 to 3% H2SO4
最少通再生药剂时间(Regeneration Contact time, mini) 20 min.
再生流量(Regeneration flow rate ) 5 to 16 m3/hr/ m3
Regeneration slow rinse 2 BV mini.
快洗用水(Fast Rinse ) Service flow rate.
快洗水量(Fast Rinse Volume) 2 to 3 BV