日期:2014-12-09 21:01  点击:761
高邮市帝豪钢杆光伏照明器材厂坐落在京杭大运河畔的中国历史文化名城扬州市北郊,东接京沪高速,南临沪宁高速,紧靠润扬大桥、宁启铁路。地理位置优越,交通快捷方便。是专业生产各类路灯、灯杆灯具加工、电光源产品的科研、生产及太阳能照明研究、应用为一体的高新科技企业。  我公司主要生产室外道路灯、高杆灯、太阳能灯、景观灯、广场、码头、庭院及室内工矿照明灯具。长期以来,我公司注重科技投入,坚定科技兴厂,以人为本的观念,不断引进先进技术和设备。完善的质量管理、优质的售后服务,以及倾听广大客户的宝贵意见,使我公司在市场竞争中不断发展、壮大。  欢迎来我厂加工钢杆、灯具,在这里,钢板进料后,除了镀锌外,可以完全在厂区内完成钢杆的全部生产过程,这样就减少了许多中间环节,也避免了因设备不足到处加工而产生的短途运输费用,生产成本将降到最低,也大大缩短了生产周期,因为是流水作业,故而生产能力极强,产品质量一致性好,可以满足生产量大、交货期急的生产任务。  我们本着“尽心、尽力、以求至善至美”的理念,坚持“质量第一、信誉第一、用户至上”的宗旨,以“质量求生存、向管理要效益”的信条,竭诚为广大新老客户提供优质的服务。现把我们近年来的产品图样归站,供您参考选型,便于我们吸取您意见,为您提供满意的产品;为美化城市,亮化生活做出诚心的贡献 landscape lighting equipment factory is located in China’s jinghang dayun Banks of historical and cultural cities in north east, yangzhou city, south of beijing-shanghai expressway, abuts runyang bridge, ningqi railway. The geographical position is superior, the traffic is convenient. Is the specialized production each kind of reading lamp, electric light source products processing, the lamps and lanterns of scientific research, production and solar illumination research, application for the integration of high-tech enterprises.Our company mainly produce outdoor road lights, solar energy lamp, lamp, landscape lamp, square, wharf, courtyard and indoor industrial lighting. Long-term since, our company pays attention to science and technology investment, science and technology is popular the factory, the human-oriented idea, and constantly introduce advanced technology and equipment. The perfect quality management, high-quality after-sales service, and listen to the customers and make our opinions in the market competition of continuous development and expansion.Welcome to our processing steel bar, lamps and lanterns, here, steel material, in addition, can completely in the galvanized steel rod factory to finish all the production process, this reduces the intermediate links, and avoid many insufficient for processing equipment and everywhere short-distance transportation expenses, production cost will be minimized, also greatly shorten the production cycle, because the water is so strong, production capacity, the product quality excellent consistency, can satisfy large quantity, delivery date the production tasks.We in line with \"the order, with good, to the concept of\", adhere to the \"quality first, reputation first, customer first\", with \"the quality of survival, economic efficiency and to the management\", serve the masses of old and new customers to provide quality services. Now our product design in recent years to stand for your reference, we draw your selection, to provide you with satisfactory products, To beautify cities, and make contributions to the enhancement of life with!1.主体杆采用一次成型,钢杆(Q235)焊缝须平整光滑,整根杆体焊缝凸起的部分与本杆体平整误差应不大于±1mm。灯杆焊接方式为自动亚弧焊接,着色探伤检验达焊接国际GB/T3323-1989111标准要求。灯杆套接方式采用穿钉加顶丝固定。  2、灯杆防腐处理为热镀锌,。镀锌层表面光滑美观,光泽一致。无皱皮、流坠及锌瘤、起皮、斑点、阴阳面缺陷存在,锌层厚度达到85um以上,镀锌层附着力应符合GB2694-98标准,保证8年不褪色,灯杆的抗风能力按36.9米/秒设计。灯杆防腐寿命大于20年。  3.灯杆表面喷塑厚度≧100um,附着力达到GB9286-880级,表面光滑:硬度≧2H,采用室外耐候性材料,喷塑材料为全聚酯塑粉。  4.灯杆工艺和验收标准按国家标准执行。设计系数1.8。灯杆的设计寿命大于20年。  5.灯杆设计应便于导线穿接,手孔门采用背包门形式。杆门必须平整光滑,与本杆平整误差不大于±1mm,相同灯杆门与门互换性要好,达到防盗防雨要求。杆门切割后局部做加强处理,基本达到原整体杆的强度。  6.外观颜色:可自主订购颜色。本厂可根据客户图纸、图片、样本等,定做各种规格景观灯、道路灯杆、太阳能路灯、太阳能庭院灯、高杆灯、中杆灯、道路灯、庭院灯、草坪灯、地埋灯、电力杆、信号灯杆及其它特种钢杆。有需买家交纳税金;运费按实际里程由买家承担。工厂通过多项质量体系认证 有完善经营资质 可来图定做任何式样室外照明灯具,本地区为国内最大的照明用钢杆生产基地 ,拥有一定价格优势 ,若为照明行业同仁, 我处可配套生产照明用钢杆微利化合作, 由于规格、材料等相关数据以用户要求为准,所以具体价格以实时洽谈为准!厂家直销,价格决对最低。地址:江苏省高邮市郭集工业园 手机:13773441992传 真: 86 0514 84246315 qq:1273318887 邮箱:dh98888@163.com
电话:86-0514-84246315 /15312822987
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