车种版型齐全 花色品种多样选材与工艺考究 尊贵与个性并存领跑于同行 共赢于业内 风蘼于市场集设计研发 生产加工 品牌销售为一体环保 质保 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 产品大图赏析: 产品介绍: 商标:驾尚 波段:四季 规格:通用 颜色:咖色、红色、橙色、米色、灰色 材料: 1.面料: ①冰丝麻布:由天然棉皮经科学提炼而成,具有透气性,能自动调温,日照升温慢的特点,同时,手感柔软,颜色雅致,防霉、防虫,防静电,无辐射。 ②3D低碳菱格网:布料舒适度强、耐摩擦、反弹快、不变形、抗静电、防菌、防螨、易清洗,不刺激皮肤,促进血液循环,有助于空气流通,减少细菌疾病;健康环保,可以回收利用。 2.底料:硅胶止滑布,硅胶滴塑,抗菌,吸湿排汗 等级:一等品 洗涤注意事项: 所列产品均由实物拍摄,难免产生色差,商品颜色一律以实物为准。 公司简介: 驾尚汽车用品现代企业有限公司是私营股份制企业,现有职工50人,公司具有较完善的 设计、开发、检测和制作产品的能力。公司生产车间拥有30余台最先进的汽车坐垫复合面料 缝纫设备。拥有一系列完善的营销渠道,产品从设计、研发、生产、销售,一系列完善的运 作渠道。公司高薪聘请了经验丰富的高级打版师使成品研发实现了标准化、规范化,在同行 业达到了领先水平。我公司产品不仅技术创新,品质精湛,而且秉承\"驾驭生活,时尚自我 \"的文化理念。积极倡导并努力实践现代化企业经营理念,以人为本,努力进取建成一个技 术进步,管理科学,事业繁荣,人才一流的现代化企业。以一流的产品,真诚的服务,与朋 友携手并肩向国内市场的深度和广度奋进。 Driving is auto supplies Modern Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a private joint-stock enterprises, the existing staff of 50 people,The company has improved the design, development, testing and production of products.Company production workshop has more than 30 Taiwan car cushion composite fabric sewing equipment are the most advanced.Has a perfect marketing channel, from product design, development, production, sales, a series of perfect operation channel.The company hired experienced senior plate so that the finished product R D and realizes the standardization, standardization,Reached the leading level in the same industry.Our products not only technological innovation, excellent quality, and adhering to the \"control of life, fashion\" of cultural ideas.Actively promote and strive to practice the business philosophy, modern people-oriented, and strive to forge ahead into a technological progress,Management science, the prosperity of the cause of talents first-class modern enterprise.To first-class products, sincere service, and friends together to the domestic market depth andbreadth endeavour.
日期:2014-12-11 17:03 点击:765