供应速腾多种优质捕 鱼 器
日期:2014-03-12 19:06  点击:565

本公司供应速腾多种优质捕 鱼 器 质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈。

Microcomputer Intelligent Efficient Frequency Converter
Instructions for 5000W
1. Tool making and uses
○1 鱼捞子的直径在20厘米左右。用直径5-8毫米钢丝或不锈钢材料制作,然后套上网兜即可。另一根用同样材料制作,长度20厘米左右。两根线必须焊接在两个电极上,否则会因腐蚀出现接触不良,影响效果。输出线应选择绝缘好的铜质软线,1.5平方左右。
A. The diameter of fishing net is about 20 cm. Use steel wire or Stainless Steel Materials with 5-8 mm diameter to make the fishing net. Then put the tuck net. Use another wire with same material. The length of wire is about 20 cm. The two wire must be welded at two electrodes, or else poor contact may appear due to corrosion. It will affect the effect. Please choose soft copper wire with good insulating power as the output line.
○2 使用时首先两根输出线,鱼捞子接输出正极(红色接线柱),另一根接负极(黑色接线柱)。
B. The fishing net should be connected to anode(the red terminal). Another wire should be connected to cathode(the black terminal).
○3 机器上的频率调节器是捕鱼的关键,用户可以根据水位深浅季节不同选择最佳频点,一般不要调到最大,先调到6档位置。
C. The frequency regulator of the machine is the key of fishing. You can choose the best frequency point according to different water level and different season. Generally speaking, please don’t regulate to the maximum frequency. Please regulate to 6 position.

○4 手持两杆将两个电极平行置于水面上,两杆相聚1.5米左右,按动开关(5-6秒左右)松开开关即可捞鱼。如条件允许还可以把负极输出线直接拖到水里,这样单杆操作捞鱼会更方便。
D. Hold the two sticks. Put two electrodes at water surface parallelly. The distance between two sticks should be 1.5 meters. Press the switch(about 5-6 seconds). You can get the fish after loosening the switch. You can also put the cathode line into the water. In this way, it is more convenient to get fish.
2. Easy fault handling
○1 机器不工作时:
A. When the machine doesn’t work, check the following:
1. anode and cathode random connection appears
2. poor contact of switch appears.
3. connecting line is not connected well
4. The storage battery has no power or is damaged.(Use 200W bulb to test the machine)
○2 使用中若出现停机现象,说明机器处于保护状态,应检查:1、电极是否过大 2、降低频率 3、检查是否为盐水地带。确认机器出现故障时,不得自行拆卸,应返给经销处维修,如自行拆卸维修,出现后果概不保修。
B. If the machine halts during using time, it shows that the machine is in protection status. Please check the following:
1. electrode is too big
2. You should reduce frequency
3. It is salt water zone
After confirming there is something wrong with the machine, please don’t disassemble it by yourself. You should return the machine back to the sales agent. If you disassemble and repair the machine by yourself, we will not guarantee repair.
3. Cautions!
○1 严禁接触高压电极,注意安全!工作时应穿水裤。
1. It is strictly prohibited to touch the high-voltage electrode. Be careful! You should wear wader while fishing.
○2 机器不可接触于水,一但进水应立即断开电源,打开上盖确认晾干后方可使用。
2. The machine could not touch water. Once there was water on the machine, you should disconnect power supply at once. Open the top cover. You could not use the machine until the machine is dry.
○3 使用中若感觉风扇速度变低,机器功率下降,说明电瓶已没电,应及时停止工作。
3. If you find the fan speed becomes low or the machine power coastdowns, is shows that the storage battery has run down. At this time, you should stop working in time.

4. You can choose 200W bulb for emergency lighting. Please adjust frequency to Grade Five.
○5 机器应避免碰撞,长期不用应放在阴凉干燥处。
5. You should avoid the machine collisions. Please put the machine in a cool and dry place if no use for long term.
工作电流: 50A
4. Technical parameters:
Output power: 5000W(peak power)
Battery voltage: DC 12V
Matched with storage battery: 50AH-100AH
Working current: 50A

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